Sunday, December 23, 2007

Revolt against the Electoral College

The Rape of the Voter:

We know this Nation was set up as Federal Republic. Our Constitution establishes a representative form of government. Representation was to be chosen by the people.
Yet the greatest failure of the early nation building and the only bad policy of the Constitution was in the area of the establishment of the Electoral College. It was useful in that day. It is a dinosaur today.

I do not agree, that the President should be elected by representatives of the people, in this day. I believe that a plurality of the people should elect every office in the land including all judges.

I do not agree with the recent talk that county officials should be appointed by some county boss. I believe these policies are a rape of the sanctity of the vote. Bad law is the reason we see so much apathy at the polls. People know that even the plurality vote for the President, is useless against the Electoral College, which is in the end, the only determining factor.

We need a revolution. We need to take back our government from the oppressive-élites, anti-freedom, Liberal and Conservative monopolies. We have been raped of our rights. We are living the shame of this violation of our spirits.

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