Friday, December 7, 2007

Liberty and Justice for All?

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Psa 89:14 Justice and judgment [are] the habitation of thy throne: mercy and truth shall go before thy face.

We live in an hour when there is little Godly judgment being wielded in men. We live in an hour when Justice has been perverted. We live in an hour, when our liberties are quickly fading.

Perverted Justice: Through Lies, School, and Government

There is a spirit of falsehood that has taken this Nation by storm. It is a lying devil that has gone forth and resides in the mouth of false prophets that now speak to Churches, Cites, States, and of course from most of the News outlets of New York, Washington, and California. It is really speaking in the whole of the world.

We have seen in our day an effort to subvert both liberty and justice. We have seen in our day an effort to take away creativity and imagination, and replace it with sameness, tameness, and lameness. The oppression of this hour is all about control. But who controls?

There is among the elite’s, (they who are the very rich and powerful the world over) a concerted effort to rule the world under one controlling covering. We have heard of the "New World Order", of George H. W. Bush. It is fast becoming a reality. These elite people are they, who rule everything man can rule. They have gained power through a conspiracy against the common man through lies. They have resisted the common man’s quest to become truly educated. They have worked a conspiracy to keep him ignorant and to take away all of his creativity.

The Movie "The Matrix", is a great movie on the subject or control and deception. But it is more than a movie. It tells a true story, which is similar, to what goes on right here in the USA. It tells of a place where men are kept from freedom and controlled by a super-computer-intelligence, which makes a false world in which they all live in ignorance that they are being controlled. Sadly, we are controlled, and it is not a movie. Our control has been implemented through collusion, lie, and ‘New Law". In the US, the Constitution is being slowly and systematically undermined. It is in the way of the "New World Order".

We can thank God for our covenant with Him and Man that we call our Constitution! Pray we keep it. But know this, The Patriot Act, The War Powers Act, and many other of the endless new laws that are being passed, are taking away your freedom. Freedom is just as endangered in the U.S., as is the unborn baby in the womb is.

There is a real alternate world in which we Americans live. A Matrix if you will. The real alternate world is hidden in plain sight. It is the fantasy that we live as a bound people who believe we are still free. It is the manipulation and lies of Religionist, Controlling Government, and evil rich men. They freely allow us a "little pleasure and diversion" while we live out meaningless lives. They are more dangerous then any computer ever could be. What they allow us to have, they can take whenever they want it.

We are not unlike the miners in the old song, who "Owe their soul to the company store".

We do not even own the property we live on. Most of us, rent land from the bank and pay payments on it to use it. And for those who have paid their "mortgage" off, the law of immanent domain really gives little recourse if the government decides they want your property. In fact they can take it for being arrears in property taxes.

We are being controlled. The lives we live, are a travesty compared to the lives our Constitution promises. We live lives, where we fear our own government’s actions more then we fear foreign terrorists. We live lives where the sanctity of the family, is undermined. We live in a society where controlling spirits work to bring us all into a controllable "submissive grey glob" of humanity. This nation fears the evil, for it does not fear God.

We are taught to accept this control-society from grade school up. And with the TV becoming the number one babysitter in the land, we are really taught from the time we first understand and worship at-The alter of the Numb- the great tube that we spend so much of our time viewing. It is programmed to bind us.

There are many problems that we are facing as a nation. The worst of which, are the problems we face, as the result of being totally controlled by the elite. America has lost her innocence before God. We have lost His greater blessing. We are a heathen nation. We watch our own evil nightly on the news. We shake our heads and say, "We don’t know what this nation is coming to".

It is coming to a place of jaded pride, with no chance for repentance!

In fact systematically we have seen the young lose their innocence as they have been subjected to information they were not really mature enough to process. We have seen our society force them into premature knowledge of evil. In a short time under Clinton, they saw the adventures of Bill and Monica, a Lesbian Attorney General, and America attack their own at Waco. Their innocence was shattered. Now they view an illegal war, and more lies about it then could be here stated.

Yes they were striped from their discovery time-their time of innocence. By taking away, this precious time to be children, they have developed a selfishness that no preceding generation even approached. We replaced "child time", with 55 hours of TV and 45 Hours of controlled school. And now uncounted hours of Internet. And this largely wasted time takes more, and more, and more of the goodness of their lives. Innocence has been a causality of this aggrandizing information age. To the 55 and the 45 hrs, we add sleep time of 56 or more hours a week, and guess what? That leaves precious little time to grow up in. Little time for sports, and fun, church, prayer, growing in spiritual understanding, and discovery of creation. This is by élites design.

The control spirit is just as hard at work in our government as it is in school. The problem we face is our leaders do not think we can manage ourselves. They therefore believe we need to be controlled for the "good" of the society.

This has been going on for all our lives. It started for us in school. It continues to the work place. And it permeates our society as a whole. The government has the school system it wants. It wants us dumb, so the world can catch up. A strong America as an only superpower is in the way the One World Agenda.

Historically we might think that schools were designed to educate us to be the best we could personally be. To prepare us for life and self-government.

That is to say in the words of another: "to fill the young of the species with knowledge and awaken their intelligence". ...

No, the Schools have probably never been that. This take over of the young mind, has been going on for a long time.

"to fill the young of the species with knowledge and awaken their intelligence". ...Ha!

Not so, According to Alexander Inglis in a 1918 book who saw this thing coming: "Nothing could be further from the truth. The aim ... is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality. That is its aim in the United States... and that is its aim everywhere else."

One of the first goals of modernized education is that Schools are to establish fixed habits of reaction to authority. This means that individuality is taken away and there is but one accepted way to react to any disagreement or contention. The School is always right. (Even though it is often wrong.)

Another goal is to make people as "alike" as possible. This for the purpose of making a manageable work force. From diet, to school uniforms, oppression marches on.
Another goal of the modern school is to diagnose what the child should be. And to guide him into what they think he is best suited for. Then to train them to do well in what they say the child is suited for.

They mark those who are not up to standards set by higher ups, and deliberately cause them to be rejected by the "normal kids". This has the effects of causing a "have and have-not" society. The undesirables are kept from the better kids, through class scheduling, lunch hours, and uneven discipline. Therefore eventually they hope to keep these "two classes" of people, from befriending and mating. They limit opportunities for the "have-nots", as they give more and more to the "haves". This is the state of Public School in America.

Is this liberty and justice for all? No wonder "The Pledge", has so strangely disappeared from Public School.

There is nothing "just" about American Public School. It is dictatorial control. And this same malady has spread into the nation. Justice is a missing ingredient in our nation. There is nothing just about, abortion, or over taxation, bloated government salaries, or almost anything coming out of our national, state, or local government.

Justice has been perverted, into anything the "Elites" want it to be. There is no equal treatment under the law. Money talks- and the poor become "dead men walking"-bull shit walks. Absolutes have been subverted for relativistic thinking, relativistic government, and relativistic courts. We truly know in this hour why our forefathers said: "Taxation without representation is tyranny". We live that tyranny. For who speaks up for the oppressed poor and lower-middle class of America?

Who speaks up for The Constitution?

Who Indeed?

Thank God in this late hour, there is an army of Internet Patriots who report the truth and suffer the scorching criticism of the Elite Press, the Networks, and the Major Independent News organizations There is very little truth on any of the National TV News Show.

So there you have it. Now you know if you did not before. We don't need Karl Marx's conception of a grand warfare between the classes to see that it is in the interest of management-economic or political-to dumb people down, to demoralize them, to divide them from one another, and to discard them if they don't conform. In fact we are in a cultural war, with too few Holy Warriors.
The ‘Elites have no need for a Marx revolution in America! They have a school system that will do all that it would do, to bring this nation to submission!


No people can be free without just Government. A just Government insures liberty. A just Government does not oppress its people with heavy taxes while offering little protection in return. A just Government ensures a basic quality education for all who desire it. A just Government is one, led by the people and purposed for the people.
People, it is time we took back our nation.

Tell the truth you know. Seek the truth, find out all you don’t know. Do what you can! Speak the truth in love. Pray. Arm for war! This war is forced upon us! Justice has been perverted. Lie is more prevalent than truth. Liberty has been bound. It is time for revolution!

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