Monday, December 10, 2007

Government Lies, the Undermining of "We the People, and the Coming Revolt

Government Lies, the Undermining of "We the People", and the Coming Revolt.
From: Garry Vermilion, Constitutionalist, and repentant former Democrat and Republican

When a government resorts to lying to the people, those people, that nation, is headed for destruction. I see lies in local, state, and national government.

For instance there is nothing true in the diatribe coming out of the Mayor's office about the state of the city. It is at best lies. At worse it is a conspiracy of dominance I call tyranny. Taxation without representation is tyranny. Who speaks for you in the chambers of government in Marion?

Funny how the negatives have been blamed on preceding administration failures. Mayor Seabold is the preceding administration. It’s been four years. Maybe this "Lets keep it going" city ought to wake up to the fact that things are not good in Marion…unless you are a city employee, such as a Mayor making over seventy thousand a year.

It seems to me this city is bought and paid for by one large religious entity, which wipes its mouth and says, "We’ve done nothing wrong!

The Mayor misrepresented the position of those who are concerned saying: "IWU is not going away". Who said they would or even should? My position is" That when one entity gets anything, yes everything, it wants and forces the citizens of a city to pay for their blessing, it is not good government doing the giving. We are ruled by bad, very bad, selfish government. And the pride and arrogance of some from IWU is off the scale.

This marriage between Wayne Seabold and IWU is a marriage made in hell. While they give themselves raises and pat themselves on the back, with presumptuous videos, TV programs proclaiming their greatness, many in this town suffer for that avarice. The benefits of the local "I got mine club", will be balanced in God’s heart by those who have been oppressed to accomplish those goals.

There is no truth that the IWU crusade to overshadow the city, is a good thing for Marion. But "Let’s keep it going".

Yeah, straight to hell. That bad joke is almost as laughable as: "Stay the Course"!
There is a day of reckoning that is upon this town. It will have to search its soul and decide if it wants to live in fantasy, or be a city yielded to the true God. If not, look for massive oppressive over-regulation to come out of our IWU controlled City Council, and Mayor’s office.
Good intentions do not always make good policy. Examine yourself.

How big are your windows anyway? Where is your bathroom located? How much is enough tax increase? How much more will you struggling families be willing to give, to our cities biggest employer? The next four years will tell.

We have a school system in crises. Why? We do not have the money we had when we had a big first class school. But that was when Marion had a vital economy.

There are many good educators in our system. They are men and women who have dedicated their lives to do well for our kids. But we have systemic problems, with this government regulated, outcome based, John Dewey infected Cesspool of iniquity, we call "Marion Community Schools". So put the creative kids on Ritilin and we won’t have to worry about them. And while we are at it, let us stifle creativity for economic convenience. Bye-bye Art and Music. What a good idea that is! NOT!

Had we had more jobs, 13, 000 people would not have left the city since the sixties. Marion a city of 28,000 was formerly 40,000+ people. Jobs leaving were systemic of lower expenses in the south, Free Trade and outsourcing. Not something local government had a lot of control on. I imply no real criticism of them. But those who left were people. They were families, who had their hopes dashed by our governments dash toward one worldism. (More on the Nation later)
Our city needs to know that living within a reasonable budget for the present population and wage scale in this failed economy, is a reachable goal. Sadly, men with good intention, in their quest to make Marion a great place to live, have oppressed the poor. Wisdom is lacking, for it will come back on them eventually.

Let’s not cut services to students or citizens for bloated salaries of administrators. Let us try to live in a reasonable budget. Let’s pay teachers what they need. Let teachers remember that you are raising up the next generation of Americans so take in to account the failing economy in Marion. Let us resolve to be a city for the people and by the people, instead of a transplanted Vatican on the banks of the Missinewa River. And let us pray that some in this city will awaken before they whole thing goes down in a fiery self-indulgent crash. Or should I say before the thin ice on which we tread, breaks under our "world renown" Mayor.

We need new government in this city. Amen.

Mammon rules this nation. Mammon rules Marion. Pray that Jesus would be exalted so that we can be once again strong!

On the state scene we have the leadership of Mitch "Dubai Toll Road Treason" Daniels. How much did we get to sell ourselves into bondage? The price of freedom has been the labor of every Patriot that made this nation strong.

The few million bucks we got were sad solace for bondage to the "One World Elite".
Indiana has some good people working for it. Not the least of which is Tim Harris. Pray that some more real Christians, with true conservative values be brought in to our state government.

Since 2003 the Bureau of Labor Statistics has used a false statistical model to add phantom jobs to the payroll numbers. The "Birth Death Model" is supposed to account for job creation that is missed by the "Current Employment Statistics" survey. The real purpose is to hide the actual unemployment rate. Although the over all economy is moving, many families are devastated by underemployment and unemployment.

We have not had a national government in twenty years that has told the truth about unemployment. They are cooking the books!

If we add to the lack of good jobs, an illegal immigration crises, an illegal war that is bankrupting the nation, a national stain called abortion, and a group of Democrats, and Republicans, that are mindlessly headed for more free-trade China subsides, CAFTA,GATT, NAFTA- Send over a pig and get back a pork chop mentality- then we know we have a weight on this nation that cannot be sustained long. This nation is broke. Bankrupt. Both morally and financially.

Oh hell lets just: "Stay the course!"


America Bless God! Return to The Constitution. (your covenant with God) It is up to "We the People", to change this trend to hell that we are on. Will we the People do so?

We need a strong state government and limited federal government. It will take nothing less then a revolution to get it.

Peace, through prayerful submission to God. Peace, through strength of convictions lived in this Nation! Let the Demagogues and the Republicons know that: "We Won’t Back Down"!
It is time for a Tax Revolt, and it is time for a return to God!

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