Monday, December 17, 2007

Prison Bars

Why do we not develop at break neck speed alternate energy in America?

Why do we not use the oil we have in Alaska and the great glut that would be produced by mining oil shale in Utah?

Why do we not do these things?

Because, though officially we say we need to develop these things, they will not be developed until all future markets in them are controlled by the elite.

The elite will decide when these resources are released. The resources will be used for control, just as imported oil is. You the citizens of this nation are a danger to the elite, only if they are not controlled. the control us through price fixing and controlled wages. We live in a Matrix. A prison. Every policy that keeps the average American controlled is a favorite of our elitists government and the "One World Despots".

They write the laws, they vote them into being, and we lose more and more of our inalienable rights.

We are in prison. We are being held there by bad law. The first bar that must be broken as we attempt escape from this oppressive government is the bar that represents hope in the present government: "For the people and by the people".

That hope, is lie, due to the fact that this government cannot be, "for the people" since it is bought and paid for by special interests. Our government is owned by the very rich. We need new government. We the people must take back our country.

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