Monday, December 24, 2007

The Fascist State

The Fascist State

With increasing failure in our government to do anything truly righteous, we must realize that we the people are no longer even considered in most law making. We have lost our Federal Republic. We are quickly becoming a fascist state.

Fascism: Is an authoritarian political ideology that considers individual and social interests subordinate to the interests of the state or party. In the past, Fascists for the sake of control sought to forge a type of national unity, usually based on (but not limited to) ethnic, cultural, racial, and religious attributes.

Fascism is a form of extreme right-wing ideology that celebrates the nation or the race as an organic community transcending all other loyalties.

The new fascism we face, is one that is given over to moneyed control. This is "Corporate Fascism".

Corporate Fascism: A state where the government subverts the individual rights of its citizens for the rights of big business.

We in the United States are moving away from individual liberties and moving toward a Fascist state to benefit Big Business, Global Big Business. This is the primary-present work of our Government. On the International scene, we have NAFTA, GATT, the WTO, the UN, NATO, and on and on. These all are controls on our National Freedom. And on the domestic scene we have laws such as the Patriot Act, to the War Powers Act, the John Warner Defense Act, taking more and more freedoms, as we are being brought under the control of Big Brother. Our Congress seems unable to pass any law that is not bought and paid for by the lobbyist and their corporate sponsors.

So if you have wondered why almost none of the legislation coming out of Congress seems wise, it is because all of it is bought and paid for by special interests. All.

Dwight Eisenhower in his farewell address, warned of the massive build up of the Military Industrial Complex. This one group controls much of our government. They are not the only traitors to the Republic. The oil lobby, the tobacco lobby, the booze lobby, and the list goes on and on, and we see that almost nothing that is of benefit to the taxpayer is made law in Congress.

Bill Gates Vista program has more controls against the freedom of the computer user then we've ever seen. It will let you do almost nothing.

Our government, the elites, are running on the ideology of a horrible mess of oppressive repressionist, authoritarian, lies. These people speak of patriotism, and the global economy as they sell the American Worker out to both corporate, and globalist interests. Every time we see the governments involvement in any thing domestic, it operates through regulation made to demoralize and emaciate the individual. They operate on the presumption that all people must be made the same. This is producing a nation of clones. American is losing her uniqueness.

It is easier to control people if they all act the same. Everything our government is doing is leading America down a path to bondage for the people. We must be made predictable. The greatest drug problem in America, is through prescription drugs. The government wants America controlled. They want us hooked on drugs for the purpose of control.

We have a large unemployment/underemployment problem that is not being told. At least one third of our workers are either unemployed or underemployed. Look at the bankruptcy and mortgage defaults rates to get a fix on underemployment. Many of the common people cannot pay thier bills any more. If they have a job, they make one half the wages they used to before so called "Free Trade". You will not hear that one on the national news. The NAFTA/GATT highway to hell, is well on its way. The National News outlets flat out deny it. The National news is an elitist front to get Americans to think in certain acceptable patterns. The Federal Reserve is leading the financial community into depression with its print more fiat money policies.

The Department of Education is deliberately "dumbing down", our kids. Our government is in a total conspiracy against, "We the People". This nation is in trouble. This is an elitist conspiracy!

If you believe the Twin Towers were a scam, you are being mock, and ridiculed by all the FOX News People, and CNN, and almost any News organization that can be viewed on TV. If you see the things listed here as being true, then you are being taxed without representation or voice in Government. Almost no one stands for you in the halls of Congress, the White House, or in the Courts. Our Government has never been more corrupt.

Big Brother is here! The fascist state is upon us! It is all about control! It is Mammon! It is time for Revolution! It is time to take back our government, to tear down tyranny, and to raise-up one that is for the people. It is time to return to Liberty. It is time that big business, not run our government any longer. Business should be free in America. But it should not control law.

Ron Paul is the only National Candidate that even begins to stand against the evil policies listed here. The two parties are sold out to globalist. Vote for your national sovereignty. Vote against fascist Republican and Democrat control. Vote for change, or lose your nation!

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