Sunday, November 2, 2008

Value Added Economy

What this country needs instead of bailouts, is a value added economy. That is an economy where we actually produce something. We need a return to manufacturing.

The Bush, Clinton, Bush years and the free trade lie, have nearly destroy the US. Yet Globalist sell outs like Dick Lugar, and his Rockefeller buddies continue to preach free trade as sound policy. They call us who want an equal ground for the American worker, "Protectionist". It is a globalist smear word.

We want our sovereignty back. And since our presidents no longer uphold and protect our Constitution, it has been left to the true patriots to do so.

There is nothing free about free trade. It has decimated the US.

I remember when men would get up, go to the factory and gladly work there, making some useful product, and then with thier paycheck in hand, be able to live a good life with recreation and purpose. But now they stand in the unemployment line, waiting for a service industry job, with food stamp in thier hand, and always fearing the police breaking down thier door, when they go home.

America is lost. She needs to repent to what made her great. Wake up America!

Put Americans back to work. Repeal free trade.

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