Monday, November 10, 2008

Obama Hope or Hype?

Government tyranny turns normal people into terrorist. When the government over regulates the people, eventually the people must strike back. Our government has waged war on the international scene. The peoples of the world fear American wrath. Our government has waged war against freedom in this nation. The people fear in this rising police state.

As Obama takes office, Americans, who are dog tired of war, begin to hope again. But in what? Obama?

Washington has Senators and Congressmen, setting in office to keep any president from bringing real change to this nation.

This nation has no money. We are broke. What will Obama do to change that?

The Federal Reserve will continue to work the globalist agenda to destroy this economy, and bring the US limping into a North American Union. The more fiat dollars the Treasury prints, the less the dollar is worth. Unemployment if measured as it was done in the Reagan era would be about 15 % or higher nationwide. In my local area it would actually be 20%. Clinton quit counting discouraged workers who are not on, the “unemployment benefits” list. That has been the National policy since.

As Obama’s policies become seen as just smoke and mirrors, the Nation’s unemployed may be the ones who raise up and take this nation back.

I hope so.

Obama, will destroy this nation with youth brigades, organized to rise up and become a second line of SS troops. These young are already being taught to betray their families.

The elite media put Obama into office. The elites guided all information during the campaign for the presidency. They even put up McCain as a Manchurian Candidate set up to lose.

This nation is bombarded with propaganda from their Evening News. It keeps people blind. The people of this Nation are bewitched by Jezebel. (See my Emmaus teacher blog)

It is time for this nation to quit blaming Al Queda for the destruction our national policies have caused.

Lord help this nation!

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