Saturday, November 8, 2008


With over 2 trillion dollars in bailouts already released, Barak Obama calls for more stimulus to the economy.

Dear Barak:

We bailed out Fanny and Freddie, and Wall Street, but it just did not work.

Dear Patriot Citizen:

We have been sold out. The Federal Reserve Bank must be taken down. The nation must return to the ideas of the founders. We must get out of foreign entanglements and alliances such as the Bush war on terrorism.

We must Break oil monopolies. We must develop alternate energy, hydrogen as fuel, not just fuel cells. Lets stop using food as fuel.

Let's drill in the Anwar and use the pipeline. Let's drill off Florida, and California.

Bailouts reward inept business and bad behavior. Wrong policy now will only continue the US slide into depression.

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