Monday, November 17, 2008

Time to over throw this Government

I am against the GM/FORD bailout. Yet I would rather see 25 billion go there then one more cent to the anti-God bankers. But I do not think it wise to bail out any one.

We know, the auto companies struggle with their legacy cost. The imports do not have that problem. Many of the Japanese cars are manufactured here in the US. The parts are shipped in from overseas, and we have screwdriver factories here to put them together. This of course is preferable to them being totally manufactured over there. Yet, with GM and Ford's contractual obligations, our auto makers have an uphill battle against this reality.

The way to fix the problem is trade tariffs. This would bring manufacturing back to the US, and fix the economy. Of course the anti-God Elitist globalist don't want that. They want the US weakened. Idiots in Congress have no will to change this. They call Economic Patriots like Pat Buchanon, "Protectionist". This label is no slam to the informed.

I do want to protect the Constitution and the economy and the freedom of this nation. Sell outs like Global Elitist Dick Lugar and hundreds of others in Congress want to keep America weak by keeping free trade in tact.

Goerge HW, Bill Clinton and W, have all sold out America. They are evil men and need tried for treason. Those who voted for NAFTA,GATT,CAFTA, and other so called free trade policies, need to be exported to the countries they sold us out to, and never be allowed to return to the US. Yet I fear foreign countries are too smart to import our junk.

We need a Revolution!

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