Monday, February 4, 2008

The Real Voice for Change

The Elite Media has narrowed the field of Presidential Contenders down to two on each side. Romney Vs. Mccain and Hillary Vs. Obama.

They tell you those are the choice you have. It makes good TV to keep a contest going on each side. They have already chosen the Presidential race to be Hillary Vs. Mccain. Presumably Hillary to be crowned queen.

She would be the worst president in history, even topping junior Bush in the sellout of America.

Obama may change a few things in Washington. But not enough. He has some good ideas, but they are expensive.

My guess is Tuesday may be Huckabee's last stand.

Ron Paul will continue on. I am not sure any others will. A vote for Ron Paul is the real voice and vote for change.

He is the only constitutionalist left.

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