Monday, February 18, 2008

Truth About Unemployment Figures and More!

Offical unemployment report of the Lying elitist government: 6.7%

According to Prof. Martin Gross

The Real Rate: 15%+.

They don't count welfare people or those who do not collect unemployment. Self- employed who do not make enough to live on are counted fully-employed.

Wall street gimic: If a company lays off workers Wall Steet raises thier stock value 2%. For financial gain and convience, they (companies) fire people!

Germany and Japan has a 2% unemployment rate. Why? Before they lay off people they cut the salaries of the leadership.

Source: Chuck Harder Podcast with on Talk Star: Ch20061215-130044a[1}

America to save itself must get back to true patriotism. Corporate America must think of the nation's interest. Globalism is killing America!

Our per-capita exports for income is one forth of Germany, and half that of Japan.
No one wants our goods unless we are the only place they can get it.

Our Government is ill. Deathly sick. Almost everything Washington says is lie.

Martin Gross: Book "Government Racket"

Also: When a person's good job is phased out and they find themself unemployed from their living wage jobs with benefits, they will be offered minimum wage, with no benefits.

The only salvation for this country is to bring the jobs back. Most Americans would rather have a living wage job, then a welfare check! But that would take wisdom, and its source is the one living God.

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