Saturday, February 16, 2008

Deliberate Dumbing Down of America

This is the Web Book in PDF form. This is an awesome book that traces the Fabian Socialist influence in education which has forced outcome based education on our children.

If your kid's don't get it, it is because "it" is evil and broken.

Thier teachers have been taught and conformed to produce a child, that meets thier
standards of conformity. This has nothing to do with a child's ability to think and discern truth from lie. In fact a free thinker will not do well in our schools.

This has the eventual effect of making puppets for government control.

Quoting from book discussing Skinner:

“I could make a pigeon a high achiever by reinforcing it on a proper schedule.”... His [Skinner’s]
concern for what he believes to be the inadequacy of our formal education system led
to applying the principles of operant conditioning to a learning system which he called the
teaching machine, but Skinner’s approach is concerned with more than merely methods and
techniques. He challenges the very foundations by which man in our society is shaped and
controlled. (p. 10)…
…“[F]or the purpose of analyzing behavior we have to assume man is a machine. (p.
24) ...You can induce him to behave according to the dictates of society instead of his own selfish interest.” (p. 42)…
…“I should not bother with ordinary learning theory, for example. I would eliminate
most sensory psychology and I would give them no cognitive psychology whatsoever [meaning
the students, ed.].” (p. 91)“ ...It isn’t the person who is important, it’s the method."

All quotes from Dumbing Down of America

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