Thursday, February 14, 2008

Bush faith in What?

"Asked if he believes heaven is open only to Christians, Bush said, 'No, I don't believe that.'"

Billy Graham encouraged this thinking:

Larry King Interview with Graham:

KING: Are you forgiving of the infirmities of other people?
GRAHAM: Absolutely. I am. I mean, I . . .
KING: Isn't that hard?
GRAHAM: . . . try to forgive. I never hold a grudge. In fact, many people say that I never get angry. I don't think I get angry. But maybe I do sometimes, but I keep it. I don't explode to anybody.
KING: Do you feel the same about other faiths?
GRAHAM: Absolutely.
KING: Buddhism?
GRAHAM: I love them all, and welcome them all, and love to be with them, and friends with all of them. For example, I just talked to a man in New York City, he was a Mormon.
KING: My father-in-law.

Something about; "friendship with the world is emnity with God", comes to mind, and; "there is no other name...."

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