Saturday, February 9, 2008

America-Let God Arise

The Fall of a Great Nation:

We know that we live in a vast universe. We know it was created by God. We know that it is subjected to demon power as Lucifer led a rebellion and we are in rebellion to God since Adam agreed with the tempter in the garden. We know that our world is not as it seems. We know that we are citizens of the United States. But the United States is not what it should be.

Evil elite government is running the US, into the ground. Science is on a dangerous precipice, teetering dangerously close to falling completely into the idea that there is no true uniqueness in the human being.

Cloning of individuals will soon come into play as a real problem in the nation and world. The purpose of cloning would be to replace humanity with their frailties with another type of engineered life. This plays into the scheme of evil men who have been working an agenda to control the world. (NWO)Until cloning is possible genetic engeneering is moving full steam ahead.

We have seen the most precious of humans(babies)life, being aborted as if they have no reason or right.

We know that we who cry against the dehumanization of man, are being challenged by family betrayal and church betrayal to get us to back down. Intimidation is witchcraft. It is being used to bring control on the citizens and to push them into a place where they will be easily controlled. Speak the truth in love.

Now the Republicans have put up for president, the worst candidate they had. John McCain was run and confirmed, so that he would lose to Hillary. He is a Scalawag. Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter have said Repubs should vote for Hillary. So the election of Hillary is the will of the Elite’s. Ann Coulter is said to be tied to the CIA, and Rush Limbaugh is tied with Roger Ails the Fox news leader, who has turned FOX toward liberalism, or rather one-worldism. Conservatives are headed for a total take over by communistic beliefs. Liberals already have been mostly taken. Conservatives have left God. Pat Robertson's backing of Globalist Guilliani should prove that.

I believe the Word of God is powerful to the tearing down of strongholds. We do have the power of truth to wield against the New World Order. The problem is we can’t get politicians to do right because they do not believe right. They believe the claptrap of the psycho -babble world. They have been fed and led into the stupidity they profess as wisdom and direction for this people.

The undermining of the true clergy has been vast. Pat Robertson is not the only Apostate. Men who have the Holy Spirit and, who follow him, have been ejected from the church. This was done by the work of Religious spirits, Korah, Jezebel, Cain, Baalam, Baal, Mammon, and Humanism. Those who were not rejected were overtaken. But it was these spirits working in willing men. Apostates everyone.

Religious pastors/clergy have been enlisted into the service of our government and as a local militia to help bring people under control. This is why I keep clear of that group. They have been told to tell their people if the police tell you to do strange things, obey the police. (this since 2006) Martial Law is upon us. Truck drivers are encouraged to spy on people and to tell of anything that is not in keeping with the norm. Who says what the norm is?

The church is almost totally unaware of the forces that have it in control. Most church folks will fight and argue with anyone who is speaking truth. Church people are not accustomed to hearing truth. The church is in deep deception. They are used more effectively then the so called evil folks to bring people under control. (Rom. 13) The founders who wrote the Declaration of Independence knew it was our duty to overthrow tyrannical government. Be it church or at city hall all tyranny is evil.

We see in the police forces across America, a group of men who are totalitarian in their actions. They have been taught to control people at any cost. (group think) To question their authority may get you a quick trip to the local jail. The police state is advancing quickly. They are chipping away at American’s right to bear arms. You have become scum to this group of Elitist. You are in the way. You are the one who is wrong. America is fallen. Tyranny is when the government goes bad. This is tyranny. Tyranny is when people in black uniforms run everything. Nationalism is fallen to globalism.

America was once committed to personal freedom. It was a great nation. But now the George Bush’s of the world have led this nation into totalitarian control. Probable cause for arrest has been thrown out with Habeas Corpus, in the so Called Patriot Act. This stench has reached the nostrils of God. This nation can only repent if God’s people do. The Elites never will. Pride will lead to a fall. Every time.

America wake up! It is time to fight or die. Your government is your greatest enemy. It has become fascists. They will kill you as soon as they can justify it to the folks at large. Remember Waco. Remember the blood spilled by the ATF. Remember the private citizen was killed for the sake of the will of Bill Clinton and Janet Reno. Remember Ruby Ridge and the Weaver Family. Your government hates you. They will use you until they find a way to kill you. This nation is full of the devil. Devils called George Bush and Dick Cheney. Devils called Fox News and CNN. Devils called Kissenger and Johnson. Devils called Hillary and Bill.

A national ID will be the last gasp of freedom.

Let God arise and destroy this government. Let God save freedom. Let those who know these things are true, arise to fight the lies of this government. Speak the truth. They fear it most! God has created a vast universe. He will not allow any man to control it. Lucifer and his minions, both human and spirit are defeated. They will lose. But not until you arise and enforce the will of God in this earth.

It was for freedom that Christ set us free. This vast universe must be ruled by the one true God. No other is worthy. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

Let God arise, and His enemies be scattered!

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