Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The War and More

The Bush doctrine of preemptive war in fear of terrorism is nothing more then smoke and mirrors. The war is a globalist tool to bring America to a weakened financial status and to gain control of the oil fields of Iraq. Patriotism in America may be confined in this day to those young men who lay down their lives for this absurd Bush war, and to those who cry, “Bring them home!”. For my part Patriotism is also found in those who pray that God save this country from the likes of the leadership of the past sixty years.

It has been that long since America was true to her constitution. Iraq was as John Kerry Said, the “Wrong war, at the wrong time.” Look at your candidates. Their war stance may be influenced by the lobbyists who pad their coffers. The Military Industrial Complex is powerful. They control much of the finances of the world.

Do not be deceived. Pat Buchanon has sounded a clarion call to Republicans to understand that their party is not the Party of Ron Reagan. Inform yourself. You owe it to the brave men who are needlessly giving their lives in Iraq. They do this because they believe in what America was.

Honesty may be the rarest commodity in our present government.

Let’s bring them home, and put them to work, to add value to this economy. Let close the borders and bring manufacturing back by re-negotiation of trade deals. Let’s have fair trade, not worldwide free trade give away of America.

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