Monday, January 21, 2008

Globalist on the March

I've been seeing for a long time, that the globalist want to bring the economy in America down. Of course the housing market problems are working into their plan. They will buy property for pennies on the dollar as the market continues down.

Sadly, I have just recently realized that they want a full global depression. This event to enable the take over and control of, the world economies as well. They use economic control and manipulation to bring countries to the brink of depression, and then they pillage the goods/companies/infrastructure that are offered at bargain-basement prices.

Every thing you worry about, in government betrayal, by our sellout government, is true. From the Social Security crises, to the dollar losing 60% of it s value against the Euro in the last eight years, they are causal. The American government, is bought off by globalist. They buy off the politicians with campaign donations, and then they buy our buildings, roads, rails, and reservoirs through favor granted by the same group. We have lost $1000.00 per worker (individual)in the median income in America in the last six years. These all are symptoms of a globalist grab for the sovereignty of this nation.

Has your state tax increased? Just ahead, every state in the country will go bankrupt, even as they continue to raise taxes, as this undermining continues. Why? The economy is reeling from the effects of globalism. Every free trade deal Bush makes, is undermining the sovereignty of America.

Evil men do evil. There is not one ounce of goodness in globalist. They are your enemy. George Bush is evil. He is a globalist. He is an anti-Christ. He marches to the beat of Globalism. Free trade is not free. It will cost you your sovereignty.

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