Tuesday, January 15, 2008

USA the lost great society

Criminals run our government. They have added poison to our food. Then they poison us with drugs that we need to counteract the effect of poison food. This nation is fallen into complete war against its citizens. Forget the Saudis and planes and towers, bio-terrorism is upon us. The healing is in the natural leaves according to the Word of God. But we are controlled by supermarkets and advertising bent on selling us chemical answers. They are lie, propagated by liars.

The dollar is week. Why? Because America has rejected God.
The Patriot act has taken any of the last rights we have as citizens and stomped them into the dirt, as fear caused by 911 overrules wisdom.

You have lost wages, because you were sold out to the one world elites. We have laid down our sovereignty and doomed ourselves to eventual slave labor.

Our nation is lost. The great society has fallen. We are in the last days we can do something to reverse this. The time is now.

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