Friday, January 18, 2008


It has been no secret in Indiana and Michigan that there is a recession. Economist are just now getting around to figuring this out. The Nation is in deep trouble.

Bush is evidently planning an Economic stimulus package. This for an economy that is not in trouble? Even in a war propped up economy this nation is economically sluggish.

Some may say not to talk this way, but rather to keep a positive attitude and things will go better. I just say what many in the mid-west have been living for over four years. Factory closings due to off-shore abandonment by manufacturing is now presenting its due bill. A recession is here.

This is a NAFTA GATT Recession. It may lead to a depression. I have heard from Bush and company, for so very long, about how great the economy is. Sure is strange how a great economy needs stimulation.

Face it. Most in government are liars.

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