Saturday, September 13, 2008

When Facism Comes to America

Constitutioanl Patriot Ron Paul:

Thank God for Ron's true patriotic stand. Yes, Fascism has long been here Dr. Paul....

Understand that so-called "government leaders", use their patriotism, or their purported good intentions as proof that they are, "for the people". I have seen few politicians that are for "The People". Mostly, they are for their agendas. Unlike Dr. Paul, they do not represent the people any longer. They represent the globalist, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds.

Our government is corrupt. This from City Hall to the White House. McCain is not the answer. There is a current in Christendom, that McCain and His running mate Palin, are "The Answer". They are not. The Republican party has long left Conservatism. Liberal Bill Clinton did not spend near the Money that George Bush has. Who is liberal? All is lie.

Don't be fooled by flag waving nor by bible quoting. Remember Satan quotes/misquotes scripture. Be convinced by fact and policy. Seek truth. I pray that the church not follow the leaders who are ramming McCain down our throats. He is not God's answer any more then Obama is. Jesus is not Republican, He is God. If these men are of God, God's judgment is to give the US, over to its own evil heart. No, these men are evil.

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross. " Sinclair Lewis, 1935

America is governed by corporate interest. Corporate/banking fascism is our lot. American leaders are given a solemn Constitutional responsibility to serve the people and put their interest first. Instead they consistently sell out the sovereignty of this nation. We have a President that is "having the time of his life", getting drunk, all the while sending more of our young to death in an illegal and immoral war. Bush has sold out the worker for Communist Chinese, and "other nation" advancement. Our nation's policy advances globalism. The "land of the free", which the truly brave fight for, is myth. It has been Hi-jacked by the "One World Movement". Call this nation, "The land of the deceived, the home of the oppressed."

McCain is a Bushite, a globalist shill. But some leaders of the Prophetic Church are giving McCain/Palin the "thumbs up". This endorsement is over the "one" issue of Abortion. Some even have "prophetic visions" to support their choice. Woah...I remember here something about a lying spirit in the mouth of the prophets.

I too, hate abortion. I have fought it for thirty years. But just because I agree with that issue does not lead me to vote Republican. I will not vote for the lesser of two evils. To do so, is to vote for evil.

Under Regan I became a Conservative. Since then I have more become more a Constitutional- Libertarian. I am ashamed of the Republican Party. It is evil. I have learned, that the kingdom, is the answer. There is no hope in our government, none. George Bush has led this nation to the murder of over four-thousand Young American boys. We have led in Iraq, the murder of over one-hundred-thousand, to one-million inhabitants of that country.

Yet you sheep are going to give McCain or Obama, "carte blanche" to murder in the middle-east, and further sell out the nation to globalsim. Facism waves the flag, and puts the boot down on the neck of freedom.

Satan says: "If you be a son of God, stand with McCain" (ie..jump from the temple of truth) Become one of us. (ie. you shall be like God if you eat of this fruit)

The sheep say: "OK, we can do that. Bahh, I think McCain will do OK. Bahh..What is on TV?,"

The Patriot says: "Thou Shall not tempt the son of God. "

To vote for God's choice for recovery of the greatness of America, you will most likely need a "write-in" Ballot.

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