Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Aluminum Can Alzheimer's Tie

This information and much more is found at the web sight listed below.

From Dr. David Williams

Dear Friend:

"Unfortunately, Alzheimer's has become one of the diseases of our age, and although the jury is still out regarding aluminum and its exact role in Alzheimer's disease, I'm still recommending that you do everything possible to cut your ingestion of this toxic substance. Yes, aluminum is highly toxic. But for years, every time the possible connection between aluminum and brain malfunction was mentioned, the media, orthodox medicine, and the Food & Drug Administration reassured the public there was nothing to worry about. As you might expect, it's beginning to look as if they were wrong."

"We may not know for sure why aluminum is associated with Alzheimer's disease, but we do know it causes a breakdown of the bone structure and possibly liver disease. Bone demineralization or weakening can also lead to hip fractures, vertebra collapse, and many of the same horrors associated with a different disease, osteoporosis."

"Researchers at Vanderbilt University injected aluminum into the brains of rats at the equivalent doses commonly found in humans. The researchers found that the brain cells lost their ability to absorb glucose. Glucose (or blood sugar) is the brain's energy source. Without it, a condition called dementia occurs. Dementia includes memory loss, decreased learning ability, and a general slowing of all brain function. It is these same symptoms, along with nerve degeneration, that show up in diseases like Alzheimer's, ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig's disease), Down's Syndrome, and Parkinson's disease."

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