Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What we are Facing

Years ago I often E-mailed the White house, warning George Bush to come out of his father's globalist house. He did not. We have a country in melt down now. It has become clear that Iraq was never about nukes. They found none. It was not about Terrorism, they changed their story on that. It was not about anything but oil. Control of oil.

The US has been kidnapped by globalist forces. It is now the country they are using to bring forth the enslaving of the whole world. We the tax payer are sold on wars and policies that have nothing to do with our good. They are part of the plan to break the world, and enslave it to the Rothschild/Rockefeller NWO. Paying taxes is the most unpatriotic thing we do, for our wealth is being used to destroy the country.

This nation is evil. It is overrun with evil men, with a Global mindset. The nation has fallen. It will take a revolution to change it. We must organize against this criminal government.

I was glad when I heard the FBI was going to investigate the recent bail out scam. They ought to investigate Bush too. But who will investigate the FBI? They are as criminal as the CIA.

This nation has been on a wrong course since it outlawed prayer in schools, It continued with legalized murder of babies, and from there it has been a steady slide into the dehumanization of life. The citizen is chattel. We are used for tax revenue. Our rights through the John Warner Defense Act, the Patriot Act, Fisa Wiretap, have been stolen. We are the most bound nation in the world now.

Our government leaders will not change directions. They are hell bent on our enslavement. We the People must arise and stand against the tyranny of the two party paradigm lie. We must take back the nation or we will be murdered for their purposes.

Vote independent. Although we will not change anything that way, it is still a statement to our lying governmental leaders that we hate what they have done to this nation. Real change will no doubt include either a true spiritual revival, or the citizen rising up with guns to throw evil leadership out of office. I pray for revival. Either way the future years will be hard. If we do not rise up, in a few short years we will all be facing our own Ruby Ridge, Waco, or Oklahoma City.

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