Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Free Trade Comment

I have grown tired of the political voices which call me a protectionist. These are the voices that almost panic anytime any one like me says we need trade tariffs to protect the American worker.

You can Panic now.

We need trade tariffs to protect the American worker.

This nation is sliding into an abyss. It will never recover so long as the globalist sell outs in our government, continue to give all the pie to China and Mexico. I have no problem with trade without tariffs when it is done with a nation that has an economy which employs its workers with wages comparable to the US. Canada, and Japan are not the problem.

I agree we have a global economy. I agree that trade with other nations can be good. But I hate what the Bush, Clinton, Bush domination of this nation has done to the American Worker and his oppressed family.

To keep free trade as policy, the government has been lying about jobs and employment in America. YOU ARE TO SERVE THE PEOPLE!

Just thought I'd tell you, God is against you traitors of American Sovereignty. You are falling in with the evil plan for the destruction of this Nation, buy the Rockefeller/Rothschild group.

America is falling. All can now see it. 500 points in the stock market in one day. WOW!! Bank failures on the rise! This is not a normal economic cycle! This is a melt down!

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