Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Globalist Take Over of the US

The Rothschild Banking Cabal:

-is the New World Order that George HW Bush proclaimed.

They have been behind these primary “take-over” laws which are un-Constitutional:

1913 Banks were taken by Global bankers through: The Federal Reserve Act
1947 Shadow government was established through: The National Security Act.

In this day:

The destruction of the Western Nation’s economy is the final attack they have planned. The global bankers threatened total economic collapse if the US did not go along with the Banker Bailout. Congress was threatened with Marshall Law. With GW. Bush threats, we saw the passing of the Financial Theft Bill.

The banker bail out is meant to destroy this Nation.

In major polls, 98 % of American’s were against the Bail Out.

So they gave us a stimulus check to shut us up.

The Global Bankers who engineered the collapse of the American Economy are the ones who plan to take the US government from the people.

They are setting up "The Bank of the World", which will charge everyone a carbon tax.

This Nation must be taken back from the Bankers who own, these so- called Presidents: Obama/W Bush/Clinton/GWBush. This conspiracy against the Constitution, must be stopped!

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