Monday, March 16, 2009

Global Banker Domination and Deception

This is an outline of how the Global Bankers took control of this nation:

-The Global Bankers got inroad to this nation through the Federal Reserve Act. (1913)

-The Federal Reserve is therefore a government arm without oversight, and has since 1913 been controlled by Global bankers.

-The Global Bankers set up a shadow government through the National Security Act. (1947)

-The Global Bankers, have controlled the presidency, since John Kennedy.

-The Federal Reserve has bought up most of the fortune 500.

-The Global Bankers are behind the Carbon Tax which will be paid to them.

-Banking regulations in the US (Glass-Steagall)have been removed by the Shadow government to make a clear path for total takeover of this nation.

Roosevelt took the nation off the gold standard which was key in ensuring the Fed's power to destroy the nation's economy. Recessions are the work of the Federal Reserve.

-The Bankers have created the present economic collapse. They have demanded and received trillions of dollars from the US Citizen. Our Congress is in total collusion with the bankers in their take over of this nation.

-The last sixty years of presidents have been strongly influenced by the Global Bankers. The last three presidents were hand picked and totally controlled by the Global Bankers.

Recent Bailout:

-G.W. Bush threatened Congress that if they did not pass the bill, the nation would go into depression.

The bill passed, and gave a blank check to the global bankers. They have no intention of using the money for what it was intended for according to the press releases. They have stolen trillions of dollars from the nation.

Banking institutions are the greatest threat to this nation!

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."

Thomas Jefferson, (Attributed)
3rd president of US (1743 - 1826)

These Global bankers are the same people and their successors who backed Adolf Hitler and they now back Obama.

For the whole series of the above: "The Obama Deception", click on the Article title.

To Wit:

It is time to overthrow this Government.
It is time to re-establish the Federal Republic to its Constitution and Bill of Rights.
It is time to repeal the Patriot Act, FISA Wiretap, and the John Warner Defense Act.
It is time to take away Presidential Mandates.
It is time to try George HW Bush, William Jefferson Clinton, and George W. Bush for treason.
It is time to bring Global Elitist Bankers such as the Rockerfellers before Congress.
It is time to demand the execution of all the bankers who stole monies for themselves through bonuses from the bailouts.
It is time to resist unto death the Jackboot Cop takeover oppression.
It is time to Repeal the Federal Reserve Act, and try all living Fed members for treason against the Constitution.
It is time to outlaw "Free-Trade", and put the American Worker back to work. He is the only hope for this nation's economic recovery.
It is time for this nation to repent of its sin of Abortion which is the linchpin for the taking down of evil. An America that murders its unborn, is doomed.

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