Sunday, March 8, 2009

Dear Mr. Obama

Please don't believe the hype about yourself. You are not a savior. As we have already seen you are a globalist traitor to The Constitution. You sir are a socialist.

Please don't think your policies will work. Your polices, the bail outs, the borrowing, has destroy this nation.

651,000 jobs lost in February.

If that was your plan, you have succeeded.

The people are suffering under your policies. If the policies would work it would be worth it in the short term. But your policies are evil. You sir are evil.

Cutting spending is the way. Closing the borders, and establishing trade polices that protect the American worker is the way.

Did you know that the Federal Government is not God?

YOU will!

I warned Mr. W. Bush to come out of his father's house. He did not, and now he is arguably the worst President in history. You will be worse than him, if you do not change directions.

For this nation to be strong again:

Step 1:
Stop Abortion in America.

Step 2:
Bring the troops home. Stop bailouts, lower taxes, cut government spending to one forth present levels, close the borders, put Americans back to work.

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