Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Skewed News and a Developing War

The News coverage on the Russia Georgia conflict may all be lies. It is definitely skewed toward Georgia. As always, sift the net stories to find the truth!

Listen to Alex Jones speak to Bob Chapman. (INFOWARS)In that interview Bob is saying the war was started by the US led globalist forces! There is US military in Georgia. Georgia backed US forces attacked Russian forces. Therefore the US has Literally attacked Russia. They reportedly killed 2000 Russians. Did you hear this on TV News?

The Globalist are running this war. Bush is a PUPPET! They put him at the Olympics to throw suspicion off of him. The US and Great Brittan are fighting and instigating this war. The Globalist have started, are running, and escalating this war!

THE NATIONAL NEWS, has hidden the truth here. Their news is almost all purposeful misdirection.

This war has potential to bankrupt the US, if we support it, which apparently we already are. Bush is being used to destroy the sovereignty of America.

As I stated in the earlier blog concerning this war, this is significant!
We are in trouble! Our criminal government has brought America to the brink of destruction. We are in WWIII! We have started it!

Russian News: Russia defends South Ossetia against Georgia.


"... a woman interviewed by Russia Today in Tsknivali, South Ossetia, talked about the presence of Georgian troops with American insignias. “There are lots of bodies over there, a lot of people have been killed, mostly Ossetians, but also Georgians, they had American emblems on their forearms and they were in black uniforms,” she said.

Black uniforms are a trademark of Blackwater and DynCorp mercenaries (see Chris Hedges, America’s Holy Warriors). DynCorp’s presence in Eastern Europe is well documented, particularly in occupied Bosnia where it engaged in sex-trafficking and prostitution."

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