Saturday, August 16, 2008

Bush tells Russia to get out of Georgia

Maybe Russia needs to tell Bush to get out of Afghanistan and Iraq and Georgia. What an idiot we have in the Oval office.


Jennifer Kosharek said...

I tend to believe in most of what you say on your blogsite. There is a difference between getting rid of a brutal dictator and invading a county just because you want to. I do believe Saddam Hussein was making weapons of mass destruction--soldiers in Iraq have seen them and photographed them. So the news media won't ever tell us the truth about that. I do believe Saddam helped train the 911 terrorists. I do believe that Saddam gased the Kurds in the North. (As I lived in the Middle East and had a friend who fled from N. Iraq with only the clothes on her back.) Should we be interfering with other nations?? I would yes, if they are a direct enemy of America. Does the war in Iraq create problems--yes, it does. But still in my mind I can't say that Russia is doing the same exact thing that we did. Georgia poses no threat to Russia. Iraq was and WILL BE a huge threat to us. I wish as Americans we could be isolationists--but the COLD HARD truth is that if we don't "police" the world--someone else will--and they won't be a benevolent dictator. It will be a blood bath and they will be coming for us. If we want to disengage in world politics, wars, military bases, etc--then expect where we pull out to be mass killings of innocent people and then they are coming for American soil. I firmly believe this to be true. You are right about NEEDING a third party. We are headed right down the road to socialism and it's a HORRIBLE path. Ron Paul seems like the only logical choice at this stage in the game.

Revolution said...

George Washington, a Founding Father, whose vision of liberty helped create our nation, warned Americans about becoming entangled in foreign alliances, and, like most early patriots, sought for America to be free and independent. He knew that becoming entangled in the affairs and intrigues of other nations would lead to war and loss.

In contrast, the last inaugural speech by President George W. Bush focused on foreign entanglements - becoming involved in the internal affairs and intrigues of numerous countries.

Jennifer Kosharek said...

That's nice what George Washington said... and yes, we should of tried to live by it. But you haven't answered my concerns of 2008 and the screwy place we've got ourselves in. I also don't appreciate the name calling to George Bush. It's immature and what the Left is so good at. Usually people revert to calling names when they do not have a worth while come back. If you are going to represent Ron Paul I suggest that you really plan out your blogs and don't participate in cheap shots. Keep it intellectual and not emotional--like your historical quotes. Still you must translate your beliefs into real solutions for today. Surely Ron Paul must have some of those ideas on his website. We live in a global economy and everything we do effects the world. And now the world also effects us--painfully true--just watch the world stock markets to see the trends. I wish it could be just us--for we are self sufficient or at least we could be. The question is what is Ron Paul's or your answer for what will happen when we pull out of Iraq and the world and leave a vacuum of a super power??