Monday, December 1, 2008

World War

So now Obama is interested in war in Pakistan and Afghanistan? This from one who did not want war.

India has now come forth into the world of terrorism, and is now preparing for war with Pakistan. This is your international crises for Obama. This is the next step in the Globalist attack against freedom in the world.

Pakistan is not in the control of the NWO. They are slated to be and America will do the dirty deed.

This attack was staged and was done to give reason for this new war.

Look behind the scene and you will find the CIA doing the Globalist bidding.

Remember Bidden said Barak would be tested. He is no prophet, the plan was already on the NWO books that he had looked at.

This nation is already bankrupt. We cannot afford another war, but the NWO anti-God forces already have the battle planned. The US is to be broken financially and then the NWO can come with the answer.

Thier answer is: Thier complete control.

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