Wednesday, December 3, 2008

What Defense do you Offer?

An open letter to George Bush

As we watch the present economic meltdown, a world government ruled by the banks, (Global Elite) will arise. They will be heralded as "The Answer". This is right on time on the Globalist schedule. Anti-patriot Bush surely says Hallelujah! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

We have deflation. Prices are down. Unemployment is up. Houses are not selling. Under-employment is pandemic. Food stamp use is at record levels- they are today’s breadlines. This is not the work of Muslim terrorist. It is the work of George Bush and the Global Elites.

This is what happens to a country that is sold out by elitists like Bush, Cheney, Rockefeller, Clinton, and others. For fun and profit, these people purposely destroyed American’s value added economy. Armed with free-trade lies, and blood in their eyes, these men have proven themselves to be shills of the globalist Bankers. The Military Industrial Complex cheers for every new war they connive this nation to start. War is big business.

Our nation’s work force has been put on idle. The workers themselves have been poison by genetically modified foods. We have been slowly poisoned by design. The evil elitist will stop at nothing to destroy the sovereignty of this Nation.

Now Bush 2 and Laura look forward to some rest time. How can they rest, when they have gutted the American economy that was once the greatest in the world? They will rest because they are evil. They are Moloch worshippers. They have sacrificed the many a young soldier for control of oil.

Under Bush 2, “America the great” has now become “America the great oppressor of all nations”. This is a murderous nation that kills its babies for convenience. This is a nation that starts wars at the command of the Elite bankers. This is a nation that uses its CIA to destroy other nations.

Weep and morn for America is fallen, is fallen, is fallen.

George Bush, I warned you years ago, to come out of your father’s house. Instead you compromised on abortion and started two wars, and now you have set this country spiraling toward depression. You will go down in history as the worst president to date. I can’t imagine any will ever be more evil than you.

There have been a million Iraqis killed in your war. Add to that number, over 4500 American patriots’ blood that you laid on the altar of Moloch to strengthen elite evil, and weaken this nation.

Through the Patriot Act, FISA, and the J Warner Defense Act, You have proven yourself the greatest of all Traitors to the American Constitution. Your greatest accomplishment may be that, Benedict Arnold’s name as the chief American traitor can finally be laid to rest in the shadows or your duplicity and deceit.

Mr. Bush, you have been charged with treason by the truth movement. The evidence is all over the internet. What defense do you offer these charges?

What answer will you give to Jah for your actions? The blood of the innocent will be required at your hands, unless you repent.


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