Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Simple Solutions for a Sick Economy and a New Beginning

Some of the experts are saying that although under present leadership the US is headed for depression and a total financial collapse, there are some simple solutions. I have taken some of that and added the spiritual aspect that must first change.

1) Repeal legalized abortion.
2) Give freedom for prayer in all of society.
3) Repeal the Federal Reserve Act. No central Bank controlling the economy.
- Allow Banks to loan only money they have. No more loans @ 10x's their assets.
4) Re-institute trade tariffs.
5) Stop all deficit spending in all levels of government.
6) Stop invasions of other countries through preemptive war.
7) Develop our own energy reserves, drill Alaska, the Gulf, and off California. Use oil shale, wind power, solar power, and nuclear power.
8) Give federal incentives for development of real alternate energy. (not Ethanol)

I believe this would save the Republic.

Financial Stimulation will not save America. The present financial system must be taken down!

The reason these simple solutions are not being used, is that globalist influences want to destroy America, so that they can control the whole world. Most Washington politicians are bought and paid for by these forces.

The answer is we need 100 Ron Paul types, in the Senate, and 435 in the house. We need one in the presidency, and a Supreme Court full of them. Really our need is Godly wisdom no matter who it is found in.

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