Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Treason 2: George H.W. Bush

The last couple of times I've seen George HW Bush he has been crying about something(I hope it is sorrow that leads to repentance) Recent memories of his activity in the national scene are of Him and Bubba Clinton raising money for the underclass in New Orleans after Katrina. Many of the poor of New Orleans just did not have money to go inland, so they stayed home and were killed or devastated by the floods.

They were raising money for the underclass that they primarily put into first unemployment and then poverty, through their NAFTA deals. The Worst thing about G. HW Bush is that he was the one who opened Pandora's box. He is the father of unemployment, underemployment and the soon coming depression in America. He is the one who wrote the policies to permanently unemploy Americans from manufacturing jobs, by putting them head to head with penny-wages overseas. He also did away with all the alternate energy programs initiated under Jimmy Carter. "Alternate", is not what a man whose pockets are lined with money from selling oil, was interested in.

Had it not been for his work, George the lesser would not have control of this country, and the "Weasel-Cheney" orchestrated attack on the World Trade Centers would not have come down. I cannot emphasize enough the destruction this man has wrought against this Nation. He is pure evil, and his murderous son, carries out his evil vision of an America subjugated to elite rule.

These men will to totally subjugate the common American worker, the America of our forefathers. His life has defined modern day treason.

This old man has reason to cry. He has wasted his life in the fear-based self endulged money grubbing through selling out what God called to be the greatest nation
in the earth. He is a traitor on the same level as George the son, and Benedict Arnold. I can imagine him being tormented by his greed in his death.

Now that his sanity is wanning I doubt there is little hope for him to turn to the Lord Jesus. But we can still pray for him, and trust God with the rest.

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