Thursday, August 26, 2010

Return to Sanity


Real unemployment in the US may be about 20-23%. There are about 93 million working age (between 16-63) men in the US. The government would admit to 4.4 million of them being unemployed. None with a sound mind believes much if anything, that comes from the rogue government that now rules this nation. But that same rogue government as full of lies as it is, also admits that there are about 29 million of those men who are not in the work force, in any way. It is estimated by some, that about 16.8 million of the 29 million want to work. Add the 4.4million admitted unemployed, to the 16.8. You get about 21-22 million men who are unemployed.

Free Trade:

As we have said often on this and other blogs: This unemployment is the product of conscious planning. Through NAFTA,GATT,CAFTA,the WTO policies,and other means our national government has sold the American worker out to competition with penny wages overseas. Many US companies went out of business. The ones who survived generally started factories in other countries, and hired the penny wage workers. America is falling into economic depression. Not only are American’s competing with labor from other countries, we also have an open border policy with Mexico that allows millions of illegal immigrants to enter the country and take jobs American’s can do. Due to the resultant unemployment, there has also been a reduction in American’s wages, and loss of benefits. This is a direct result of Our growing competition with penny-wage countries.

Higher Taxes:

As our government finds ways to raise taxes, corporate America finds more incentives to go overseas for its production. As our federal government works to undermine the sovereignty of the nation and employment for the willing, our standard of living ever slips toward that of a third world country. The presence of rich people such as Bill Gates, in a country does not negate the fact that we are becoming weak and poor in the US. The richest man in the world is from Mexico, which is very poor as a country. The plan is to bring the US standard of living to the same level as that of the whole world. The elite do not want one country to be stronger then the others.

Federal Reserve:

The start of America’s problems and subsequent great fall of this nation started in 1913 with the federal Reserve Act. Thomas Jefferson warned the nation not to let bankers have control of the money supply. Woodrow Wilson did not listen to the wise Jefferson. The Federal Reserve Act, was pushed through Congress in a back door Christmas Vacation deal. This was the door that was opened that ensured eventual control of this nation by the monied elite. This was the beginning of the end of sovereignty for this nation.

The NWO:

The monied elite are those who have opted into the control of the one world government movement. They are known by the phrase “monied-elitist” George HW Bush coined, the “NEW WORLD ORDER”. He was for the NWO as are all elitist-Globalists. Globalists are they who hate national sovereignty and embrace world government. The elite want weak nations, so that they are easy to control. The Elite want workers barely able to exist so that they are easy to control. The issue is who is in charge. They believe they are better than the common man. They justify their control by their riches and their riches by their control.

The American Citizen:

The rights of the American Citizen, who was once the freest citizen on earth are now being taken away at an alarming rate. The John Warner Defense Act, the FISA wiretap, and the Patriot Act have all stolen our rights as citizens. Higher taxes are stealing the wealth of the common man. The Banker bail out was the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world.

On this blog at the side I have listed policies and changes I believe would be necessary to bring America back to its place of power and freedom. To add to that, I believe that all government officials who took part in instituting of the evil policies aforementioned-which have weakened this nation-should be tried for high crimes against the Constitution. Anti-Constitution-Traitors need hung. Those who are lesser players in their treachery could be deported.

This nation needs to return to the principles that made it intially great. Freedom is the most endangered intity in this nation. Abraham Lincoln called this a nation "by the people and for the people". Lord God, let us forsake the insanity of Globalism and repent this nation to be just that!

In this final note, I say we need a government that ensures that we have "real food",
easily available to all peoples. The GMO posioning of our food supply is first sickening and then killing the people of this nation.

God awaken the people of this nation. Give us courage to defeat the evil Globalist government that is oppressing this people.

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