Friday, October 30, 2009

Sick Nation

Hate Crime Bill=Federlizing the police force.
Health Care bill=Forced health insurance.

Both are unconstitutional.

Government lies are rampant. This nation is sick.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Wisdom from our Friend Thomas Jefferson ..yet again

This is a quote from a letter Thomas has written to his friend Benjamin Rush, dated Sep 23, 1800. He was serving as Vice President to John Adams, at the time. In context he was discussing his philosophical views on Christianity. The full quote is as follows;

I promised you a letter on Christianity, which I have not
forgotten. On the contrary, it is because I have reflected on it,
that I find much more time necessary for it than I can at present
dispose of. I have a view of the subject which ought to displease
neither the rational Christian nor Deists, and would reconcile many
to a character they have too hastily rejected. I do not know that it
would reconcile the _genus irritabile vatum_ who are all in arms
against me. Their hostility is on too interesting ground to be
softened. The delusion into which the X. Y. Z. plot shewed it
possible to push the people; the successful experiment made under the
prevalence of that delusion on the clause of the constitution, which,
while it secured the freedom of the press, covered also the freedom
of religion, had given to the clergy a very favorite hope of
obtaining an establishment of a particular form of Christianity thro'
the U. S.; and as every sect believes its own form the true one,
every one perhaps hoped for his own, but especially the Episcopalians
& Congregationalists. The returning good sense of our country
threatens abortion to their hopes, & they believe that any portion of
power confided to me, will be exerted in opposition to their schemes.
And they believe rightly; for I have sworn upon the altar of god,
eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.

But this is all they have to fear from me: & enough too in their
opinion, & this is the cause of their printing lying pamphlets
against me, forging conversations for me with Mazzei, Bishop Madison,
&c., which are absolute falsehoods without a circumstance of truth to
rest on; falsehoods, too, of which I acquit Mazzei & Bishop Madison,
for they are men of truth.

Control Psychiatry

I have long held the belief (in my home town of Marion), that there is nothing Christian about Psychiatry and Psychology. This has caused me to be, in direct conflict with our so-called Christian college, IWU, and its supporters. (a true non-prophet organization)

Explain, predict, control...

The bottom line is control. I have said this for over twenty years now. There is only one witness powerful enough to save the sin sick soul. It is the Truth of God, and His Word. I found the above video interesting. So might you.

Take It Back

Real war is coming. In two years war will come to the Middle East. In Two years we will not be able to make it financially. The bankers were given monies to finance our destruction.

In about two years most jobs will be government jobs. Obama is already the head of the car companies. He will soon be the head of all banks.

Only revolution in the streets will stop this now. We must take back our government.

The elites have a schedule for our destruction. He says watch the war movies coming out of Hollywood. He says they will foretell what is coming. The stock market will rise, then fall completely. Much of these things are being told, by Lindsey Williams.

Take it back. The country is falling.

See the posts at the bottom. "Lindsey Williams on Alex Jones"

Oh, but we don't need fear, forewarned is forearmed...there is God, and He is not without a plan. Seek Jesus for his direction. We must shout our truths. It is the only source of truth! This is how we take to the streets. We speak the truth in love to the bewitched of this nation.

Friday, October 23, 2009

America Is Fallen

"America is great because she is good. If America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great."

-- Alexis de Tocqueville

With our governments totally attack against the citizen, the globalist take over of our government, the local yuppies in their delusion about their own competence, and with a church that has become a group of religious fools, we know that De Tocqueville's
warning has become our reality.

Morn the day that we have ceased goodness. America the great is fallen. The strength of this nation has waned, for the churchmen have become filled with hubris. They operate in full agreement with their self-aggrandizing motives. They are politically- passioned blind guides, full of Jesus-less stuff.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

What They Want!!

HBO Video, under fair use..

Mad as Hell!-Its a Depression!


European Union, North American Union, Asian Union, African Union, some day total ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT under rich and evil overlords.


"The Obama administration passed an almost $800 billion stimulus package and at the same time promised millions of new jobs would be created or saved. Billions upon billions of dollars have gone out the door, but that hasn't resulted in job growth that many expected." CNN

57% of Americans, say the "so-called" stimulus not working!

"Less than half of monies that was given to one bank-AIG, has been put into unemployment. This nation's global banker controlled government is Anti-Christ and Anti-worker." Revolution

Real Unemployment still over 16%

Don't believe local, state, and federal, lies about unemployment. It is still very high.

The Feds have since Clinton, "cooked the unemployment books". Our government is full of liars and thieves.

Real Unemployment is still over 16%. No matter what Anyone who drinks the government Kool-aid, says.

Click title....

911 is a lie!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Construction Unemployment

Construction unemployment reaches 19.2 percent (2:56 p.m. 6/5/09)

Published: June 5, 2009

From Daily
This from last June:

Sean Ryan

Nationwide construction unemployment reached 19.2 percent in May after 59,000 workers lost their jobs that month.

Over the past 12 months, the U.S. construction industry has lost 990,000 jobs, a 14 percent drop from the May 2007 to May 2008 period, said Ken Simonson, chief economist for the Associated General Contractors of America.

Construction is doing worse than the overall national economy, which had a 9.2 percent unemployment rate in May.

Simonson predicted employment for residential construction workers would level off in the next few months, and said stimulus projects also will generate more jobs.

Also: Check out this article"

Friday, June 12, 2009
Unemployment tops 20% in Construction Trades @

We wonder what the story is now that they admit over 10% unemployment, and with actual unemployment reaching near depression levels?

Monday, October 19, 2009

Ron Paul Campaign for Liberty


I watched the History Channel show their whitewash of 911 yesterday. It was filled with lie, and presumption. Lie and presumption is of course what they say about the Internet truthers.

They had a child from Popular Mechanics regurgitating a constant stream of rebuttal to the truths that are on the Net for all to see. Of the vast information about 911 on the net, they picked and chose only what they could cause doubt about, to report on. What a whitewash!

Anyone who would believe the Popular Mechanics, so-called "Experts", must trust in Mammon. For though I cannot prove it, I would guess it must have been payola that blinded Popular Mechanic' eyes to the truths they debunked.

Click title for more.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Remember Waco?

Check out Infowars of this topic:

Waco Siege “Enforcer” To Rule Over Global Police Force

Or click on the above title:

Let not this oppression of American Citizen leave your remembrance, lest you be quickly overcome by the neo-fascism of our present rogue government.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Save America Now

Obama supporters might think me an, “alarmist,” “scaremonger,” or “paranoid.” Concerning my understanding of their worldview, I plead guilty. I and many others warned about Obama before he ever took over the reigns of demander and chief… oppressor.

I once was a Democrat. Then I realized the value of human life, and became a Republican. However for six years I have not been either. There is in George Wallace’s opinion, "not a dime’s worth of difference between the two". Foreign policy commentator Robert Kagan once observed that this false dichotomy represents “two variations of the same worldview.”

Ali Hassan Massoud has said something to this effect:

"The only "difference" between the two today is which party (Dem or Rep) and which end of the conventional political continuum ("liberal" or conservative) can run up the biggest deficits, debase the currency the fastest, destroy what is left of the manufacturing sector, and kill or injure the most little brown people all over the world."

Fact is George Bush, Bill Clinton, and George HW Bush, all did more damage to this country then ten thousand terrorist could have. And look what they did overseas! Barak Obama who may not even be a US citizen, may end up doing more damage then the three combined.

If America does not turn back to the God of the bible I see little hope it will survive. Abortion assures Jah’s anger against it.

It is time to get alarmed!. Forewarned, is forearmed.

A good start politically would be to overturn Roe, impeach Obama, repeal the Federal Reserve Act, and to try the last three presidents and the Bush Congresses for treason.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

All War is Based on Deception

"All war is based on deception." -- Sun Tzu, The Art of War

"There is nothing new in a government lying to their people to start a war. Indeed because most people prefer living in peace to bloody and horrific death in war, any government that desires to initiate a war usually lies to their people to create the illusion that support for the war is the only possible choice they can make."

Click on title for the whole story from the source of the quote above.

Dr. Mercoli on Swine Flu

From Mercoli's web page:

"This year it is more important that you protect your children and loved ones from the flu vaccines than influenza itself. This article on Lew Rockwell discusses how:

The swine flu is simply another flu. It is not unusually deadly.

This is the first time both seasonal and pandemic flu vaccines will be administered. Both seasonal flu and swine flu vaccines will require two inoculations. This is because single inoculations have failed to produce sufficient antibodies. This is an admission that prior flu vaccines were virtually useless. Can you trust them this time?

Adjuvants are added to vaccines to boost production of antibodies but may trigger autoimmune reactions. Some adjuvants are mercury (thimerosal), aluminum and squalene. Why would you sign a consent form for your children to be injected with mercury, which is even more brain-toxic than lead?

This is the first year mock vaccines have been used to gain FDA approval. The vaccines that have been tested are not the same vaccines your children will be given.

Over-vaccination is a common practice now in America. American children are subjected to 29 vaccines by the age of two. Meanwhile, veterinarians have backed off of repeat vaccination in dogs because of observed side effects.

Modern medicine has no explanation for autism, despite its continued rise in prevalence. Yet autism is not reported among Amish children who go unvaccinated.

Researchers are warning that over-use of the flu vaccine and anti-flu drugs like Tamiflu and Relenza can apply genetic pressure on flu viruses and then they are more likely to mutate into a more deadly strain.

Most seasonal influenza A (H1N1) virus strains tested from the United States and other countries are now resistant to Tamiflu (oseltamivir). Tamiflu has become a nearly worthless drug against seasonal flu.
Public health officials are irresponsible in their omission of any ways to strengthen immunity against the flu. No options outside of problematic vaccines and anti-flu drugs are offered, despite the fact there is strong evidence that vitamins C and D activate the immune system and the trace mineral selenium prevents the worst form of the disease."

This Swine flu thing is nothing more than a way to bring sickness on the peoples. A sick people cannot fight back.

Join the Revolution. Say no to the Swine Flu vaccine. Join the resistance.

Revolution Garry