Monday, October 12, 2009

Save America Now

Obama supporters might think me an, “alarmist,” “scaremonger,” or “paranoid.” Concerning my understanding of their worldview, I plead guilty. I and many others warned about Obama before he ever took over the reigns of demander and chief… oppressor.

I once was a Democrat. Then I realized the value of human life, and became a Republican. However for six years I have not been either. There is in George Wallace’s opinion, "not a dime’s worth of difference between the two". Foreign policy commentator Robert Kagan once observed that this false dichotomy represents “two variations of the same worldview.”

Ali Hassan Massoud has said something to this effect:

"The only "difference" between the two today is which party (Dem or Rep) and which end of the conventional political continuum ("liberal" or conservative) can run up the biggest deficits, debase the currency the fastest, destroy what is left of the manufacturing sector, and kill or injure the most little brown people all over the world."

Fact is George Bush, Bill Clinton, and George HW Bush, all did more damage to this country then ten thousand terrorist could have. And look what they did overseas! Barak Obama who may not even be a US citizen, may end up doing more damage then the three combined.

If America does not turn back to the God of the bible I see little hope it will survive. Abortion assures Jah’s anger against it.

It is time to get alarmed!. Forewarned, is forearmed.

A good start politically would be to overturn Roe, impeach Obama, repeal the Federal Reserve Act, and to try the last three presidents and the Bush Congresses for treason.

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