Friday, November 6, 2009

Chase, Goldman, and other Anti-Patriots

Chase Bank, one of the beneficiaries of our taxpayer money, uses fascist collection policies. One time a year, Chase fails to mail bills out to some of their credit card costumers, then the next month, they lavish a 39.00 charge on those bills.

This is the policy of the Rockefeller Globalist bank who steal millions from credit card users.

The banking business, is the root of the evil in this nation.

Those who pray need to cry out for the breaking of the Rockefeller Rothschild, Globalist coalition which is the NWO. Goldman Sachs, and Chase, and many others need to be taken down. Our government is owned by the Federal Reserve who makes money off our pain.

These banks, and their leaders are devils. They shall burn in hell unless they repent and bring forth works in keeping with repentance..meaning restitution for what they have stolen. The thief must restore 7 fold! If these bankers do not, they will burn in hell.

You have no excuse.

Concerning the assassinations at Ft. Hood, and the tower killings, it is no doubt the result of psychotropic drug use, these men are probably controlled sheep, and the killings probably are staged false terrorism.

Look for the elite to use this to tighten controls on guns, and freedoms.

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