Monday, July 13, 2009

Save the Nation

Do you know what has gone on in the world since the passing of Micheal Jackson. You see the corporate media focused your attention on him, while the governmental and world matters were conveniently forgotten.

In truth the corporate news does this all the time. They focus attention on things that are not really the issue. (Lou Dobbs, is the one clear exception to this)

When you watch your TV, be aware that most of what you see is lie. It is there to keep you from rising up, and taking your country back.

But it is time for revolution. I speak not of a crazed overrunning of the government, but a movement to bring the Constitution back into a place of prominence in this nation. She worked for 200 years, and she would work again, if we'd do away with all the laws, that take away our Constitutional rights.

Save the nation. Repeal:

The John Warner Defense Act
FISA wiretap
The Patriot Act

Do you know what the Cap and Trade is about?

Check it out on the net. You won't like it. Find out about who pays for it, and what it does. If the bankers love it, (and they do) fear it! What is the carbon tax? Find out about how it will limit the mumber of Children people have, by taxing births. It will also limit use of fuels.

The lie that the cap and trade is based on is this:

"Scientists agree that CO2 emissions around the world could lead to rising temperatures with serious long-term environmental consequences." Feldstien Washington Post

This science is hotly debated! There are as many challenging with other data as are supporting it.

Cap and Trade: It is being billed as having this purpose:

To create clean energy jobs, achieve energy independence, reduce global warming pollution and transition to a clean energy economy.

What will it really do?

Click on title or go here for other proof:

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