Friday, May 22, 2009

The Answer

As we see the fall of this nation into deception and ruin, we know that the hour is late for a people's revolution against tyranny. With the banker bailout and the Wall Street bail out, we know that there is little hope that this nation will be able to withstand this globalist blitzkrieg against our economy, unless the people rise up and take their government back.

Those who presently rule this nation are being controlled by the globalist, the Rockefeller/Rothschild World Banker Elite. Most legislation being passed and enforced from Washington is Globalist one world government in nature. Obama is the globalist president. The global bankers will gather multiple trillions of dollars to themselves trough taking down the American economy. This will also give them more power to rule this nation for their purposes.

Their plan for us, is to eliminate 80% of us, and to enforce their totalitarian rule on the remaining work slaves.

This is Orwell’s 1984.

The answer to 1984 is 1776.

Click on the title for back ground proof.

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