Saturday, April 18, 2009

Anti-Christ in the White House

John Adams, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence and our 2nd President, said this:

“The general principles of which the fathers achieved independence were…the general principles of Christianity.”

This nation was founded on Christian principals. This nation started in wisdom, with a Declaration of Independence from tyranny, and a Constitution which represented the fact that our founding fathers, were starting this nation in Covenant with Jah.

When Barak Obama was elected, he unleashed a great attack on our children. He is a pro-death abortionist. He voted while in Congress to finish taking the life of a baby who had been the recipient of a botched abortion attempt. Truly with this kind of thinking and his type of policy being release along with countless other humanist proposals, this man will prove to be the greatest anti-Christ we have ever had in the White House. Many who call themselves Christian fell into his "Hopenosis spell", and voted for him. The Church must repent for this.

Yet Jah holds to Covenant. The intention of our founders to honor the one true God, is not in question in the minds of most historians. Yet the nation in this day, has made a covenant with Baal and Moloch to destroy our very own children. This is the greatest dishonor we could ever unleash against Jah.

I did not support John McCain against Obama like most church folks did. I supported a real patriot, Chuck Baldwin who has real Christian values, and who was not tied to the Global Bankers that McCain and Obama are.

John McCain would have never brought this nation back to the Constitution. Chuck Baldwin would have. The global bankers gave the American voter the choice between Twiddle-dee and Twiddle-dum in last election. I chose the third answer.

Your election of Obama, was a vote for the big banker takeover we now see in our nation. Your vote for Obama was a vote of full out war against your own unborn. Your vote for Obama was a vote for Baal, Moloch, and Mammon.

You have been given a king after your own heart America. But your heart has left covenant with Jah. Yet He still holds you to it.
America, your allinaces with anti-Christ nations are causing you to fall!

To wit:

Jah has judged this nation for its sin, of murder against its own kind. He is shaking this nation. He will shake the White House, the Congress, the Supreme Court, and the Federal Reserve. He will shake local pockets of oppressive government. He will do this thing before your very eyes.

Jah is judging His church. He will judge it with wisdom. (selah)

Jah is calling His church to repent unto the kingdom and the King!

Jah is calling this nation to repent unto His Kingdom, and to return to its Constitution. To repent of entangling alliances with global anti-Christ.

What say ye America?

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