Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Barak the Handled Messiah

When Obama was elected, he was hailed as the new Messiah. Looking back over the past two years we need to remember that this man came from nowhere.

Hillery Clinton all but had a lock on this election early on. But something changed. The Oprah backed Obama began to soar. Strangely along the road, the Michigan and Florida primary process were disallowed. Barak was the chosen.

Someone in the elite, had made a decision. The once obscure Obama was not the early front Runner, but he was now chosen. And now we have this "Handled man", as a president. It is not a strange thing that he uses many of Bushes national leadership team. It is just a continuation of the same policies. The handlers are the same.

Yes, now the global elite have a new puppet. Barak is on the string, dangling before the people. He is a speaking devil with dark sentences. If Barak should find a conscience, and decide he wants to follow a different path, he will be killed.

The die is set. Barak is the five star general in battle of the global elite, leading the attack against the Constitution and the America people. He is not a Messiah, he is an anti-Christ of the Constitution.

Many anti-Christ are already among you.

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