Wednesday, October 1, 2008

No Bailout

The House of Reps. began limiting the delivery of E-mail to keep their computer from crashing. The people have spoken. They are against this thing.

If they bail out "Wall Street" we need to put everyone of them on "The Street", looking for a new job! The bailout is evil, taking from the poor and giving to the rich.

This bailout is economic terrorism that they are forcing down our throats. They are using scare tactics but we hope the Citizen sees through it. Turns out, the stock market fall was manipulated. This is pure government elitist evil. Yet I doubt they could cause it to fall 777 points. That was God saying: "Look into this thing". God is in control. This nation's leadership is being exposed.

A Boycott of certain companies, and the use of alternate media, are the way to fight them now. We could boycott week companies to make them flounder, this forcing them to change thier tactics.

Remember, remember the fourth of November, a day to cast your vote against the evil of this present terrorist government. Yet there is no righteous man to vote for, for president. We will vote, but we know this:

It will take riots in the streets to get our Republic back in the hands of the citizen! God will help us in this. You must begin to believe Neo. We still have strength to fight back. We will fight back.

No! to Senate bailout. No! to House bailout.


Anonymous said...

Like I mentioned on another blog. i think maybe we should start an arrest campaign. Start calling the u.s. marshalls and fbi and call for the arrest of these demonic trolls.

How bout that.. limiting the amount of emails. Don't want to represent your people ? Fine, arrest this man/woman for high treason. said...

You're spot on with a lot of your diagnosis... but god had nothing to do with any wake up call. Most people are still sound asleep. Also, about the 4th... voting third party is about the best we're allowed to do. Unfortunately there are no strong choices there either.

To think the fall could take place during our lifetime.

Good luck.