Thursday, June 5, 2008

My response to Senator Dick Lugar's support of Globalism

June 5, 2008

Dear Richard Lugar:

Free trade and the War:

Your letter in response to mine (May 22) shows me where you stand. Sadly you are sold on globalism. When will you surrender the sovereignty of this nation?

The Free-trade lie is talked up as Gospel among your colleagues often. The lie you perpetuate is the one that says we are better off for free trade. Try selling that to us the unemployed. Try telling us the 20 or more closed factories in Grant Co. Indiana, over the last twenty years are not directly connected to free trade.

We have lost our value added, manufacturing economy and traded it for service jobs, and for the privilege of shuffling Chinese products, if you are young enough to get one of those jobs.

Age discrimination is rampant in the work force.

The War:

The war in Iraq was started on lie. It is continued on lie. How much is enough? You’ve spent over 500 Billion there. Over 200 Billion in Afghanistan. You have unemployed wondering when you are going to do something for them.

There are many issues we are concerned about. On most of the issues you fall out in the opposite side of truth. Truth is, our involvement with free trade has left our ports unprotected. Truth is the president is aligned with globalist interests that are taking our nation over. Truth is the war is about oil.

I remember when I was proud of this nation. The only good presidents we have had in my life are Ike, Kennedy, and Reagan. All the others were sell-outs like you must now be-judging by your answers to my letter. The nation is full of men willing to sell out our sovereignty to the foreign nations. As you defend your position you defend rape of our Nation.

I am a Constitutionalist. The elected government of this nation is showing us they are anti-Constitution. I am against being the nanny of the world. It is not our place. The free trade policies you support are lies. They are destroying Indiana manufacturing. In fact it is all but gone.

You sir do not represent my ideas in your work. I weep for what America has become under the last 50 years of failed government. It is obvious that you believe the foolish stands you have taken. Indiana is falling into the abyss of globalist control. The Dubai toll road deal, is just the harbinger of the future sell- out deals this state will enter into.

How will we plan for a strong future in Indiana when good paying jobs are not here? When will this government tell the truth about unemployment? How do you get off counting only those on unemployment checks as being the unemployed? Every thing the government does is filled with misdirection and lie.

Have you sold us out? If not you are deceived. Free-trade is treason. Lying to the nation is the cost you are paying for believing lie. Liars go to the abyss.

I will no longer bother you, I know you are hopelessly devoted to the Washington lie.

I will save my wisdom for someone who is open to change. Sorry you are closed. Enjoy your guaranteed salary, while many go without. Do you want Americans on food stamps? It is a good way to control us. How about our houses in foreclosure? That is the sign of the George Bush' great economy for sure! Fact is you can’t pay a mortgage or rent without a job. A good paying job. Like the ones we lost and traded for minimum wage entry level jobs after years of service in what are now industries sold to China.

In fact haven’t we the citizen become the problem? The problem you globalist have to solve. What will you do with so many people who think for themselves and do not believe the official Washington lies? What will you do with people who seek truth? Will you send squads in to arrest us like in Texas at the LDS Ranch? Or will the burn us out like they did at Waco? What plans do you have for us Mr. Lugar?

For the record, almost everything you answered in your letter I oppose.
How is David Rockefeller doing? I noticed he contributed 1000 bucks to you in 2000.

Garry Vermilion
Marion, IN 46952 (Indiana formerly located in the USA, now located in the World

Folks, all we can do, is continue to stand against the selling out of our country by the Washington Elite. This letter is just to show you that Dick Lugar is a globalist. He is not a friend of Indiana. He propagates the Free-Trade lie, the War in Iraq, and almost everything the treason propagating Bush Government stands for.

Also if you know of actual impeachable offenses by Dick Lugar please contact me at the E mail given in my profile. Also this may put Lugar ahead of Mitch Daniels in
selling out the State of Indiana. (although the Dubai toll road give away was a substantial effort in treason by Daniels)

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