Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Bill Clinton and George Bush have brought to perfection the tactic of denial as defense. These men continually stand before America and deny everything that is wrong and that they are doing wrong, and simply put shame on anyone who would doubt what they say.

We have one more year of Bush presidential lies. He will then retire to Crawford and throw globalist barbecue parties. Then we can look forward to Hillary and a continuation of Bills lies, or McCain, a military extremist warmonger, or Obama, an intellectual who shames gun owners and common people. They all know that all you have to do to undermine truth, is flood the market with dis-information that makes truth seem lie and lie palatable.

So when Bill O'Reilly said Ron Paul "scared him", many of you spineless idiots eliminated Paul from the possibility of the presidency. You grasped the Oreilly' spin and were screwed into the ground by a lying master spin-miester. You will get what you asked for. One of the three monkeys, hear no reason, taste no reason, or smell no reason. They will disarm any reasonable direction for this country with denial through spin.

Of the three. Obama seems less controlled by the Elites. I don't see them letting him be president if he wins the nomination. The Elites will kill him, unless he is just a new presentation of the old guard.

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