Remember when Clinton and Reno murdered innocent children and families.
"A religious group known as the Branch Davidians lived in their compound they called Mt. Carmel just outside Waco, Texas. On April 19, 1993 agents of the United States government attacked their compound and murdered helpless women and children with battle tanks, flame-throwers, and poison gas. Nearly 100 innocent people lost their lives as a result. What makes this a tragedy of the most terrible proportions is that the Davidians had done nothing to provoke this attack by the United States’ government."
"The words “cult” and “sect” are used any time the government or news media want to cast suspicion on or discredit a particular church group." Internet Source
Oh, don't forget the murder called abortion that is carried on by this nation."
When ever the enemy wants to stop anything good, he sends liars to lie about the people. Garry
This nation must fall!!! God will bring it down!
On April 19, 1993 the Government of the United States declared war against freedom in America.
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