Was Sonny Bono Killed by Hired "Ruthless Assassins"?
"Earlier this month, former FBI agent Ted Gunderson made some shocking allegations that somehow flew under the mainstream media's radar. Gunderson theorized that the former Palm Springs mayor and Republican Congressional representative, Sonny Bono, most famously known as the husband of pop superstar, Cher, was privy to some sensitive information -- so sensitive it got him killed.
According to the Globe, Gunderson believed that Bono's January 5, 1998, fatal skiing accident on the Heavenly Ski resort slopes in Nevada was, in fact, a cover-up. He believes that Bono did not slam into a tree, but rather was beaten to death and that the accident was staged.
"It's nonsense for anyone to now try to suggest that Bono died after crashing into a tree," Gunderson insisted. "There's zero evidence in this autopsy report to show such an accident happened. Instead, there's powerful proof he was assassinated. The former FBI agent-turned-private investigator added, "This was an evil plot that was carried out to almost perfection by ruthless assassins."
Now before you go off wondering what type of Area 51 conspiracy theories this guy is spinning; know this, he is not alone. Allegedly, there are forensic investigators who agree and claim that the Nevada officials were too quick on the draw when it came to concluding Bono's death was but a tragic accident." From Investigation Discovery
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