The Devastating Truth About the Obama Health Plan
Jon Rappoport
November 29, 2009
"We are at a defining and crucial moment in our history. A machine is in motion that will alter our future. If after you read this article, you agree with its main points, or at least feel they need to be heard, send it on to others. Find ways to make your voice count."
Monday, November 30, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Main Stream Media
CNBC, mainstream media is 17.5% unemployment.
Real facts over 20%.
Depression is here!
As I said over a year ago, the nation is in depression.
Click on title for more
Real facts over 20%.
Depression is here!
As I said over a year ago, the nation is in depression.
Click on title for more
Saturday, November 21, 2009
2012 The Movie and the End of Time
"The plot of "2012" is loosely based on the belief of some people that the ancient Mayan calendar predicted the end of the world on Dec. 21, 2012."
I've studied the Mayan Calendar predictions on the net. They do make some sense.
If the Lord say it ends there, then so be it. Each man needs to make his peace with Jah. If they did make that peace, and the world does not end in 2012, then we'd be much better off with men living in peace with Jah.
Many survivalist are making preparations for life on earth after a supposed collision/near collision with a Planet x, which was supposedly found by NASA, in the eighties.
What ever happens, Jah is the way to go!
I've studied the Mayan Calendar predictions on the net. They do make some sense.
If the Lord say it ends there, then so be it. Each man needs to make his peace with Jah. If they did make that peace, and the world does not end in 2012, then we'd be much better off with men living in peace with Jah.
Many survivalist are making preparations for life on earth after a supposed collision/near collision with a Planet x, which was supposedly found by NASA, in the eighties.
What ever happens, Jah is the way to go!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Gibson Guitars Busted

"Iconic company investigated for illegal importation of Madagascar wood
Federal agents from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and local police today seized wood, guitars, computers and boxes of files from Gibson Guitar's Massman Road manufacturing facility.
Sources say the Nashville-based guitar manufacturer is being investigated for violating the Lacey Act, a key piece of environmental law, for importing endangered species of rosewood from Madagascar.
Rosewood is widely used in the construction of guitars and sells for $5,000 per cubic meter, more than double the price of mahogany. The island nation off Africa's east coast is a key producer of the hardwood, the export of which has links to international criminal activity.
A statement from Gibson released late Tuesday afternoon says the company is "fully co-operating" with the investigation." Kenny's Sideshow Blog
Revolution says:
"Don't it make you sleep better to know what our federal law enforcement is up to? NOT!"
Was Sonny Bono Murdered?

Was Sonny Bono Killed by Hired "Ruthless Assassins"?
"Earlier this month, former FBI agent Ted Gunderson made some shocking allegations that somehow flew under the mainstream media's radar. Gunderson theorized that the former Palm Springs mayor and Republican Congressional representative, Sonny Bono, most famously known as the husband of pop superstar, Cher, was privy to some sensitive information -- so sensitive it got him killed.
According to the Globe, Gunderson believed that Bono's January 5, 1998, fatal skiing accident on the Heavenly Ski resort slopes in Nevada was, in fact, a cover-up. He believes that Bono did not slam into a tree, but rather was beaten to death and that the accident was staged.
"It's nonsense for anyone to now try to suggest that Bono died after crashing into a tree," Gunderson insisted. "There's zero evidence in this autopsy report to show such an accident happened. Instead, there's powerful proof he was assassinated. The former FBI agent-turned-private investigator added, "This was an evil plot that was carried out to almost perfection by ruthless assassins."
Now before you go off wondering what type of Area 51 conspiracy theories this guy is spinning; know this, he is not alone. Allegedly, there are forensic investigators who agree and claim that the Nevada officials were too quick on the draw when it came to concluding Bono's death was but a tragic accident." From Investigation Discovery
Click on title for more info...
Gietner Asked to Resign
Kevin Brady asks Gietner to Resign. Gietner uses bewitching language to defer Brady's pleas for the Nation. This is the Blame Shifter Demon at work in Gietner.
Revolution says:
"Falling off the cliff."
They are all the same people wrapped in Rebulican or Democrat garb. They are all evil! There was never a recession until the Federal Reserve Bank manufactured them.
They manufacture a financial panic, and then they steal the wealth of the nation. What Anti-Christs the Fed are. (Click on title for teaching)
Also From Alex Jones blog: Unsigned
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Lou Dobbs Explains Leaving CNN
See Video at Bottom of Articles
Pressures around Barak Obama's lacking birth Certificate. Dobb's home was shot at in New Jersey a few months back. OMG
30 years at CNN, but his questioning of Lord Obama's policy was too much for the CNN Ideologues.
A Boycott of CNN comes to mind here. But since their ratings are so low, I doubt it worth the attention and effort.
Pressures around Barak Obama's lacking birth Certificate. Dobb's home was shot at in New Jersey a few months back. OMG
30 years at CNN, but his questioning of Lord Obama's policy was too much for the CNN Ideologues.
A Boycott of CNN comes to mind here. But since their ratings are so low, I doubt it worth the attention and effort.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Negative Life in The Former USA
Net worth:
64 trillion dollar negative net worth. That is who we are now in the USA. Click title.
In 1973 George Bush CIA Director was sent to China by David Rockefeller, to make the deal that they would become our Manufacturer.
Buying and selling:
You won't be able to buy or sell without a card soon. Even if you use cash, you will need a card, then a chip.
This is not the nation we grew up in. It is a globalist prison.
Makes one sick, yes.
64 trillion dollar negative net worth. That is who we are now in the USA. Click title.
In 1973 George Bush CIA Director was sent to China by David Rockefeller, to make the deal that they would become our Manufacturer.
Buying and selling:
You won't be able to buy or sell without a card soon. Even if you use cash, you will need a card, then a chip.
This is not the nation we grew up in. It is a globalist prison.
Makes one sick, yes.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Repent, for the Kingdom is at Hand
Lord, we break the spirit of Mammon's control in this land. We call forth the provision for this day of victory. We say the power of oppression of the government and religion is broken.
It is time for the overturning of oppressive government.
The best message I have for this country is summed up in the words of John and Christ: "Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand."
It is time for the overturning of oppressive government.
The best message I have for this country is summed up in the words of John and Christ: "Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand."
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
2nd Amendment
With the recent shootings, and the execution of the mass murderer of a few years back, John Allen Muhammad, at 9:11 PM, the elite are building a case to now come after your 2ND amendment rights. Your Guns are at risk!
Don't take the 9:11 timing with a grain of salt. It is a message from the elite that they are moving forward.
What I am beginning to believe is that they were behind Muhammad and the recent terror murders. Also look for the presence of Psychotropic drugs, and psychological training.
If we had a real press in the US, they would be going after these things, which are hidden in shadow and darkness.
Don't take the 9:11 timing with a grain of salt. It is a message from the elite that they are moving forward.
What I am beginning to believe is that they were behind Muhammad and the recent terror murders. Also look for the presence of Psychotropic drugs, and psychological training.
If we had a real press in the US, they would be going after these things, which are hidden in shadow and darkness.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
From Dr. Mercoli
"The Irish Independent reports that the some Canadian provinces have suspended the 'normal' seasonal flu shots for anyone under 65 in response to a recent study there. However, the vaccine suspensions do not apply for people over 65.
The study suggests that people vaccinated against seasonal flu are actually twice as likely to catch swine flu."
The study suggests that people vaccinated against seasonal flu are actually twice as likely to catch swine flu."
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Andrew Napolitano
"We do not have two political parties in this country, America. We have one party; called the Big Government Party. The Republican wing likes deficits, war, and assaults on civil liberties. The Democratic wing likes wealth transfer, taxes, and assaults on commercial liberties. Both parties like power; and neither is interested in your freedoms. Think about it. Government is the negation of freedom. Freedom is your power and ability to follow your own free will and your own conscience. The government wants you to follow the will of some faceless bureaucrat."...
"When I recently asked Congressman James Clyburn, the third ranking Democrat in the House, to tell me “Where in the Constitution the federal government is authorized to regulate everyone’s healthcare–, he replied that most of what Congress does is not authorized by the Constitution, but they do it anyway."
Thank you Judge!
Judge Napolitano is one of the few voices on Fox that are Constitutionalists. We need to pray for him and back him when we can.
From an Infowars title
"When I recently asked Congressman James Clyburn, the third ranking Democrat in the House, to tell me “Where in the Constitution the federal government is authorized to regulate everyone’s healthcare–, he replied that most of what Congress does is not authorized by the Constitution, but they do it anyway."
Thank you Judge!
Judge Napolitano is one of the few voices on Fox that are Constitutionalists. We need to pray for him and back him when we can.
From an Infowars title
Wisdom From Thomas Jefferson
September 27, 2008 in Banks, Thomas Jefferson
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them (around the banks), will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.” -
Thomas Jefferson
"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."
—Thomas Jefferson, 1802
“Paper is poverty,… it is only the ghost of money, and not money itself.” –Thomas Jefferson to Edward Carrington, 1788.
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them (around the banks), will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.” -
Thomas Jefferson
"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."
—Thomas Jefferson, 1802
“Paper is poverty,… it is only the ghost of money, and not money itself.” –Thomas Jefferson to Edward Carrington, 1788.
The Fed
The Federal Reserve is a front company for the Global Bankers. They are no more American or Constitutional then Socialism. They are fascist bankers who are bringing this nation down, and raising up global governance.
From Dave Hunt on Homosexuality
"APA 'ignoring the science' on homosexual reparative therapy [Excerpts]
A Christian attorney says the American Psychological Association's rejection of therapy designed to help homosexuals leave their lifestyle is "devoid of science, reality and the common practices of a counselor."
On Wednesday, the American Psychological Association (APA) issued a strong condemnation of reparative therapy, declaring that mental health professionals should not tell homosexual clients they can change their sexual behavior through therapy or other treatments.
Mat Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, says the APA is a political organization that has chosen to leave science behind.
"When it declassified homosexuality in the 1970s, it did it against the background of a lot of science that continued to classify it as a mental disorder. It also ignored over 120 years of research, which by the way has recently been published showing that individuals who are same-sex attracted can change," he notes."
Moloch says: "Leave them alone to practive thier deeds on your children."
Psychology says: "Do what Moloch says."
God says: "It is wrong."
Indiana Wesleyan University teaches Psychology as a second form of worship. Mammon Worship is their first love. Around 1984 a senior bible student went on record as saying the Wesleyan policy is whenever the Word and the Wesleyan Doctrine are in contention that they were to honor the Doctrine. This is Anti-Christ. For they have lifted themselves above God.
I would have dismissed this expect that in the last twenty years, I have seen a steady sliding of that University into the throws of worship of Mammon.
A Christian attorney says the American Psychological Association's rejection of therapy designed to help homosexuals leave their lifestyle is "devoid of science, reality and the common practices of a counselor."
On Wednesday, the American Psychological Association (APA) issued a strong condemnation of reparative therapy, declaring that mental health professionals should not tell homosexual clients they can change their sexual behavior through therapy or other treatments.
Mat Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, says the APA is a political organization that has chosen to leave science behind.
"When it declassified homosexuality in the 1970s, it did it against the background of a lot of science that continued to classify it as a mental disorder. It also ignored over 120 years of research, which by the way has recently been published showing that individuals who are same-sex attracted can change," he notes."
Moloch says: "Leave them alone to practive thier deeds on your children."
Psychology says: "Do what Moloch says."
God says: "It is wrong."
Indiana Wesleyan University teaches Psychology as a second form of worship. Mammon Worship is their first love. Around 1984 a senior bible student went on record as saying the Wesleyan policy is whenever the Word and the Wesleyan Doctrine are in contention that they were to honor the Doctrine. This is Anti-Christ. For they have lifted themselves above God.
I would have dismissed this expect that in the last twenty years, I have seen a steady sliding of that University into the throws of worship of Mammon.
Socialized health care passed the house just this morning. It now goes to our Senators to rubber stamp it. This is another nail in the coffin of freedom. Speak your words of peace now, for freedom is being buried.
From Chicago
"WASHINGTON - -- The House of Representatives late Saturday approved the most sweeping health care legislation in two generations, advancing President Barack Obama's campaign to guarantee health coverage to almost all Americans.
The legislation was passed 220-215 shortly after House members added a provision that prohibits federally subsidized insurance plans from offering abortion services.
Despite the close margin, Democratic leaders said earlier in the day that they had at least the 218 votes needed for final passage of the bill. "Today, we will pass the Affordable Health Care for America Act," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had predicted."
The close vote is for show. All our government is in the tank with globalism. This nation has lost its freedom. The health care bill will cement, this nation as a Socialist nation.
From Chicago
"WASHINGTON - -- The House of Representatives late Saturday approved the most sweeping health care legislation in two generations, advancing President Barack Obama's campaign to guarantee health coverage to almost all Americans.
The legislation was passed 220-215 shortly after House members added a provision that prohibits federally subsidized insurance plans from offering abortion services.
Despite the close margin, Democratic leaders said earlier in the day that they had at least the 218 votes needed for final passage of the bill. "Today, we will pass the Affordable Health Care for America Act," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had predicted."
The close vote is for show. All our government is in the tank with globalism. This nation has lost its freedom. The health care bill will cement, this nation as a Socialist nation.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
2009 Patriots and Devils
Ron Paul is the Congressman of the year for me. I think he may be man of the year.
He speaks the truth to this anti-Christ Barak Obama government. We stand with you Ron. Ron edged out Alex Jones in my thinking.
Aunt Millies' Bakery is the business of the year. They made a decision to cut out high fructose corn syrup from their products.
HFCS is a substance of sugar that is already broken down, and does great damage to the body. This is being used widely in American foods.
They are patriots of note for this year.
Barak Obama gets the nod for most evil American. Barak nosed out David Rockefeller, and Bush 2, who only had one month of this year to destroy our sovereignty through the presidency.
He speaks the truth to this anti-Christ Barak Obama government. We stand with you Ron. Ron edged out Alex Jones in my thinking.
Aunt Millies' Bakery is the business of the year. They made a decision to cut out high fructose corn syrup from their products.
HFCS is a substance of sugar that is already broken down, and does great damage to the body. This is being used widely in American foods.
They are patriots of note for this year.
Barak Obama gets the nod for most evil American. Barak nosed out David Rockefeller, and Bush 2, who only had one month of this year to destroy our sovereignty through the presidency.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Chase, Goldman, and other Anti-Patriots
Chase Bank, one of the beneficiaries of our taxpayer money, uses fascist collection policies. One time a year, Chase fails to mail bills out to some of their credit card costumers, then the next month, they lavish a 39.00 charge on those bills.
This is the policy of the Rockefeller Globalist bank who steal millions from credit card users.
The banking business, is the root of the evil in this nation.
Those who pray need to cry out for the breaking of the Rockefeller Rothschild, Globalist coalition which is the NWO. Goldman Sachs, and Chase, and many others need to be taken down. Our government is owned by the Federal Reserve who makes money off our pain.
These banks, and their leaders are devils. They shall burn in hell unless they repent and bring forth works in keeping with repentance..meaning restitution for what they have stolen. The thief must restore 7 fold! If these bankers do not, they will burn in hell.
You have no excuse.
Concerning the assassinations at Ft. Hood, and the tower killings, it is no doubt the result of psychotropic drug use, these men are probably controlled sheep, and the killings probably are staged false terrorism.
Look for the elite to use this to tighten controls on guns, and freedoms.
This is the policy of the Rockefeller Globalist bank who steal millions from credit card users.
The banking business, is the root of the evil in this nation.
Those who pray need to cry out for the breaking of the Rockefeller Rothschild, Globalist coalition which is the NWO. Goldman Sachs, and Chase, and many others need to be taken down. Our government is owned by the Federal Reserve who makes money off our pain.
These banks, and their leaders are devils. They shall burn in hell unless they repent and bring forth works in keeping with repentance..meaning restitution for what they have stolen. The thief must restore 7 fold! If these bankers do not, they will burn in hell.
You have no excuse.
Concerning the assassinations at Ft. Hood, and the tower killings, it is no doubt the result of psychotropic drug use, these men are probably controlled sheep, and the killings probably are staged false terrorism.
Look for the elite to use this to tighten controls on guns, and freedoms.
The Slide Toward Hell
With the Austin Tx, Massacre, and the latest Orlando Office shooting, we must face the facts, God is revealing Evil. In Florida, the mam who was fired a year ago comes to his former employer and kills many of his former work mates. The TV newsman interviewed an official from that company, and He said, he didn't think the firing had anything to do, with the man's murder of the people. The man did not have employment for a year. Dear God you yuppie, silver spooned overlords, don't get it! People need jobs! Yet in part he might be right, it could be a CIA black op.
What fools do they think we are?
This thing at Ft. Hood, stinks of Government false flag terror. The chant "Allah Akbar", should be changed to "CIA False flag"!
They are calling the nation a nation in "recovery". A jobless recovery? Where did that come from? Today's unemployment rate is at 10.2 %. The actual according to the Labor Bureau is more like 17.5 %. The real rate according to those who really know is at least 20-25%.
Funny how the shootings took peoples attention off the economy. Oh and look for an anti-gun bill to come up soon.
This nation has fallen. It will not get up unless it repent of abortion. But the libs love the right to murder babies.
The conservatives have nothing to brag about. The conservatives with Bush as puppet in cheif, spent more money than Clinton.
Obama's spending is almost incalculable.
This Nation is Sick. It is evil. It is controlled by Jezebel, Baal, Moloch, and Mammon.
God save the righteous. Lord destroy this evil.
-Oh yeah, it would be interesting to know if these demonized killers were on psychotropic drugs.
-Christians need to remember, Allah is the name of a false god who can not save anyone from anything.
What fools do they think we are?
This thing at Ft. Hood, stinks of Government false flag terror. The chant "Allah Akbar", should be changed to "CIA False flag"!
They are calling the nation a nation in "recovery". A jobless recovery? Where did that come from? Today's unemployment rate is at 10.2 %. The actual according to the Labor Bureau is more like 17.5 %. The real rate according to those who really know is at least 20-25%.
Funny how the shootings took peoples attention off the economy. Oh and look for an anti-gun bill to come up soon.
This nation has fallen. It will not get up unless it repent of abortion. But the libs love the right to murder babies.
The conservatives have nothing to brag about. The conservatives with Bush as puppet in cheif, spent more money than Clinton.
Obama's spending is almost incalculable.
This Nation is Sick. It is evil. It is controlled by Jezebel, Baal, Moloch, and Mammon.
God save the righteous. Lord destroy this evil.
-Oh yeah, it would be interesting to know if these demonized killers were on psychotropic drugs.
-Christians need to remember, Allah is the name of a false god who can not save anyone from anything.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
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