The drop in oil prices was a globalist elite plan to destroy the oil producing nations (and those who depend on them)so that they could easily take them over. The plan was to drive prices up and then lower them quickly to break their governments. This was only possible as the governments so greedily overspent on projects. These projects were funded on gas revenues.
This stradegy by the elites, could only break the oil supplying countries, if they had been lavishing themselves with luxurious buildings, and infrastructure with debt on them. Duh....I never knew it would be so easy to destroy the nations just by cutting oil prices in half. I thought lower gas prices would be good. Greed changes many things.
For the oil consumer countries there is a great conflagration just ahead. They have over-extended themselves financially, and committed to more civic projects then they can afford.
Those of us who use gasoline have benefited from half-priced gas prices. However we realize that gas could have been this price all along. The oil companies raided the people of the nation (world) by charging double prices for gasoline for over two years.
There should have been government intervention into this, but today's anti-constitutional government does nothing it should, and everything it shouldn't.
The tax revenues in the US, have decreased from gas price drops. They have been cut in half, and this has been devastating to our states' and our nation's economy. Our government has gotten accustomed to living on the big tax bucks that high-priced gas afforded them.
It is sad that only a few Congressmen even understand what is going on. And even sadder that half of them are in the tank with the Elites. Our government is insane. It is full of pride and will not listen to reason.
My prayer is that Jah would break this nation's government, and kill our leaders so that we might have a constitutional government again.
Look for some of the Arab Nations, to run out of funds just as the US has. Each nation will be scarfed up by evil globalist bankers as they falter respectively.
The elites plan another year of low gas prices in order to break the Arab nations. The USA is just about done for now.
The loss in gas-tax revenues with the lower gas prices, will continue the slide of this nation into an economic depression. One by one, states will fall. California and Michigan's problems are a harbinger of things to come for all states.
To compound the problems in the US, Iran has started a trend among nations to not use the American Dollar as a means of trade. This has undermined the Dollar internationally, and caused great financial repercussion in the states. Hold on to your hat! The dollar will fail. Tax shortages will be the standard.
What many in our government have not understood, is that oil has been the product that has replaced the US dollar that is traded as a money standard. The Bush family understood it. They have made themselves rich on oil. The dollar will be replaced in North America with the Amero.
But what will we do with Iran? The Bushes now have missed their chance to nuke them. Will Obama carry on their globalist agenda?
Let's see, the Bushes have killed nearly 5000 US troops, they killed 3000 citizens on 911. They have killed over one million Iraqis. I don't think they are finished killing. Do you?
We could see global war!. After all Mammon is doing some of his worst evil in this debacle! There are even more evil men than the Bushes in our government.
Hope you have food to eat in the days ahead.
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