From Monday, June 16, 2008
'Free Country or Police State?
All across Iowa gangs of blue suited thugs backed by military troops from the National Guard have cordoned off previously flooded areas and are preventing the people from returning to their homes. “Thousands of Iowa residents remain flooded out of their homes and it's unclear when they can return. Cedar Rapids residents were allowed to return home temporarily Sunday, but authorities decided the neighborhoods were not safe, even for a quick visit,” CNN Story
In this photo a group of Iowa residents confronts a blue gun thug who is asserting his illegal authority to control and dominate the people.
“Cedar Rapids Fire Department spokesman Dave Brown said, saying it would be awhile before evacuees would be permitted to go back home. The checkpoints -- manned by police and the Iowa National Guard -- remained in place Monday, but Brown said authorities would not be letting residents check on their homes.“
The question is, who is in charge of our lives and our homes? Is America a free country where individuals have rights to life, liberty, and our homes? Or, are the blue suit gangs running a police state where they have authority to order the people around? In Iowa, the answer should be obvious. In a nation that once was a free country, armed gangs of thugs backed by military force are exercising their authority, pompous jerks in blue.
Note also that it is a criminal violation of the US Constitution for the National Guard to stop people from returning to their homes unless there is a declaration of "Marshal Law" which has not happened in Iowa.
The people of Iowa, like all the other men of America, must begin to recapture our nation from the police state gangs and Gestapo “authorities.”
One day long ago, in a mythical land called America, there once was a free country."
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