Saturday, June 28, 2008
Halliburton and Dubai
Halliburton Will Move HQ to Dubai
Sunday March 11, 1:13 pm ET
By Jim Krane, Associated Press Writer
"Halliburton Will Shift Headquarters From Houston to Mideast Financial Powerhouse of Dubai
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) -- Oil services giant Halliburton Co. will soon shift its corporate headquarters from Houston to the Mideast financial powerhouse of Dubai, chief executive Dave Lesar announced Sunday.
"Halliburton is opening its corporate headquarters in Dubai while maintaining a corporate office in Houston," spokeswoman Cathy Mann said in an e-mail to The Associated Press. "The chairman, president and CEO will office from and be based in Dubai to run the company from the UAE."
Also it has been reported that Halliburton Globalist Cheney has a new house built in Dubai.
Halliburton Will Move HQ to Dubai
Sunday March 11, 1:13 pm ET
By Jim Krane, Associated Press Writer
"Halliburton Will Shift Headquarters From Houston to Mideast Financial Powerhouse of Dubai
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) -- Oil services giant Halliburton Co. will soon shift its corporate headquarters from Houston to the Mideast financial powerhouse of Dubai, chief executive Dave Lesar announced Sunday.
"Halliburton is opening its corporate headquarters in Dubai while maintaining a corporate office in Houston," spokeswoman Cathy Mann said in an e-mail to The Associated Press. "The chairman, president and CEO will office from and be based in Dubai to run the company from the UAE."
Also it has been reported that Halliburton Globalist Cheney has a new house built in Dubai.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Halliburton Curruption
A Houston, Texas woman says she was gang-raped by Halliburton/KBR coworkers in Baghdad, and the company and the U.S. government are covering up the incident.
Alex Jones has said that Halliburton is involved with Child Kidnapping.
Alex Jones has said that Halliburton is involved with Child Kidnapping.
Oklahoma FBI Involvement in Bombing
"New OKC Revelations Spotlight FBI Involvement In Bombing
Nichols' claim that McVeigh had government handlers supported by huge weight of known evidence
Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
Prison Planet
Thursday, February 22, 2007
New claims by Oklahoma City Bombing conspirator Terry Nichols that Timothy McVeigh was being steered by a high-level FBI official are supported by a plethora of evidence that proves McVeigh did not act alone and that authorities had prior warnings and were complicit in the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah building." Prison Planet
Nichols' claim that McVeigh had government handlers supported by huge weight of known evidence
Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
Prison Planet
Thursday, February 22, 2007
New claims by Oklahoma City Bombing conspirator Terry Nichols that Timothy McVeigh was being steered by a high-level FBI official are supported by a plethora of evidence that proves McVeigh did not act alone and that authorities had prior warnings and were complicit in the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah building." Prison Planet
Thursday, June 26, 2008
3 out of 4 Believe Bush Policies are the Reason for the Bad Economy.
I've wondered how long it would take for Americans to begin to wake up. Sadly they will go out and vote for the two big party candidates and pass over a real answer.
I've wondered how long it would take for Americans to begin to wake up. Sadly they will go out and vote for the two big party candidates and pass over a real answer.
Police State Alert
The government wants all your E bay transactions to be reported to them. Congress wants to know everything.
This is the police state in action.
Call Congress and Tell Them to Oppose The eBay Reporting Provision in the Housing Bill: 1-866-928-3035
The jist of it:
"Payment Card and Third Party Network Information Reporting. The proposal requires information reporting on payment card and third party network transactions. Payment settlement entities, including merchant acquiring banks and third party settlement organizations, or third party payment facilitators acting on their behalf, will be required to report the annual gross amount of reportable transactions to the IRS and to the participating payee. Reportable transactions include any payment card transaction and any third party network transaction. Participating payees include persons who accept a payment card as payment and third party networks who accept payment from a third party settlement organization in settlement of transactions. A payment card means any card issued pursuant to an agreement or arrangement which provides for standards and mechanisms for settling the transactions. Use of an account number or other indicia associated with a payment card will be treated in the same manner as a payment card. A de minimis exception for transactions of $10,000 or less and 200 transactions or less applies to payments by third party settlement organizations. The proposal applies to returns for calendar years beginning after December 31, 2010. Back-up withholding provisions apply to amounts paid after December 31, 2011. This proposal is estimated to raise $9.802 billion over ten years."
Quote from above web address:
This is the police state in action.
Call Congress and Tell Them to Oppose The eBay Reporting Provision in the Housing Bill: 1-866-928-3035
The jist of it:
"Payment Card and Third Party Network Information Reporting. The proposal requires information reporting on payment card and third party network transactions. Payment settlement entities, including merchant acquiring banks and third party settlement organizations, or third party payment facilitators acting on their behalf, will be required to report the annual gross amount of reportable transactions to the IRS and to the participating payee. Reportable transactions include any payment card transaction and any third party network transaction. Participating payees include persons who accept a payment card as payment and third party networks who accept payment from a third party settlement organization in settlement of transactions. A payment card means any card issued pursuant to an agreement or arrangement which provides for standards and mechanisms for settling the transactions. Use of an account number or other indicia associated with a payment card will be treated in the same manner as a payment card. A de minimis exception for transactions of $10,000 or less and 200 transactions or less applies to payments by third party settlement organizations. The proposal applies to returns for calendar years beginning after December 31, 2010. Back-up withholding provisions apply to amounts paid after December 31, 2011. This proposal is estimated to raise $9.802 billion over ten years."
Quote from above web address:
Fear This
I have feared the loss of free speech in this country. I have feared the second amendment is in peril. I have feared the loss of any freedom. I have feared police tactics of interrogation which lead citizens into confession about things that the police should have no jurisdiction in. I have feared oppressive law. I have feared the loss of any freedom. I have feared the government creating a giant national data base of our Internet use.
But presently and mostly, I fear that God will judge America to its final destruction, because the Government has become so oppressive.
But presently and mostly, I fear that God will judge America to its final destruction, because the Government has become so oppressive.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
Oklahoma for Freedom and States Rights
From Jason Bermis My Space blog
Posted: June 16, 2008
10:00 pm Eastern
From 2008 WorldNetDaily
"Steamed over a perceived increase in federal usurping of states' rights, Oklahoma's House of Representatives told Washington, D.C., to back off.
Joint House Resolution 1089, passed by an overwhelming 92-3 margin, reasserts Oklahoma's sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and, according to the resolution's own language, is "serving notice to the federal government to cease and desist certain mandates."
The Tenth Amendment states, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."
Traditionally, this language has meant that the federal government is limited in its scope and cannot usurp the sovereign powers of states. In recent decades, however, as the size and reach of the federal government has expanded, many have come to question whether Washington has stepped on states' rights and gotten too big for its breeches.
Charles Key, the Republican state representative who authored the resolution, told WND that he introduced it because he believes the federal government's overstepping of its bounds has put our constitutional form of government in danger.
Oklahoma State Rep. Charles Key
"The more we stand by and watch the federal government get involved in areas where it has no legal authority, we kill the Constitution a little at a time," he said. "The last few decades, the Constitution has been hanging by a thread."
Specifically, Resolution 1089 says the following:
"The State of Oklahoma hereby claims sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the Constitution of the United States."
The resolution resolves that Oklahoma will "serve as notice and demand to the federal government, as our agent, to cease and desist, effective immediately, mandates that are beyond the scope of these constitutionally delegated powers."
It also instructs that "a copy of this resolution be distributed to the president of the United States, the president of the United States Senate, the speaker of the United States House of Representatives, the speaker of the House and the president of the Senate of each state's legislature of the United States of America, and each member of the Oklahoma congressional delegation."
The resolution does not, as some have speculated, amount to secession, but it does send a warning signal to Washington: Oklahoma does not intend to be bullied by big brother government.
The Sooner State became a hotbed of federal vs. state authority clashes earlier this month when a federal judge blocked a portion of Oklahoma's tough immigration laws, ruling that plaintiffs would likely establish that the state mandates preempted federal immigration laws.
Oklahoma's immigration statute, known as the Oklahoma Taxpayer and Citizen Protection Act of 2007, originated as House Bill 1804 (co-authored, incidentally, by Key). It has been characterized by USA Today as "arguably the nation's toughest state law targeting illegal immigration."
The statute prohibits illegal immigrants from receiving tax-supported services and makes it a state crime to transport or harbor illegal immigrants. It also mandates that businesses take measures to verify the work eligibility of employees and independent contractors.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and individual chambers of commerce in Oklahoma challenged the latter mandates, set to go into effect July 1, in court.
On June 4th, U.S. District Judge Robin J. Cauthron issued an injunction against enforcing the July 1 mandates.
"We've just had a federal judge say that our immigration law's employer provisions are unconstitutional, claiming it as federal government territory," said Key in response. "That goes right to the issue of (Resolution 1089). The federal government doesn't have the right to have sole domain over that issue or many of the issues it has spilled over into."
Though House Joint Resolution 1089 received great support in Oklahoma's House of Representatives, it has now hit a roadblock. In the state's Senate, where the seats are split, 24-24, between Republicans and Democrats, the resolution was sent to the Senate's rules committee, where it languished without action until the legislature adjourned.
According to Key, the Senate has worked out agreements on how to manage the political tie, including power given to the Democratic senators to not hear certain bills. Those senators, says Key, refuse to even hear Resolution 1089.
In the House, where Republicans enjoy a 57-44 majority, Resolution 1089 received a hearing and was supported overwhelmingly on both sides of the aisle.
"I was on the Democratic side of the floor," said Key, "and one member went off talking about how far we've gotten, how bad (federal overreaches of power) are getting – it's the kind of thing you hear in coffee shops."
Key said his bill "is making a difference" in the way legislators in Oklahoma are talking and thinking about state's rights. "I think it will make even more of a difference," he said, "when I bring it up again." He vows to put the pressure on Oklahoma's Senate to pass a resolution like 1089, and he plans to begin communicating the cause with legislators around the country, urging them to bring up the issue in their states.
Key passed a similar resolution in 1994, when he was serving a previous tenure in the legislature. But that attempt was only a House resolution. He authored 1089 as a joint resolution because, he said, he wanted to increase its exposure. "As people who believe in this constitutional form of government," he said, "we need to bring this issue to a national level and debate." "
From Jason Bermis My Space blog
Posted: June 16, 2008
10:00 pm Eastern
From 2008 WorldNetDaily
"Steamed over a perceived increase in federal usurping of states' rights, Oklahoma's House of Representatives told Washington, D.C., to back off.
Joint House Resolution 1089, passed by an overwhelming 92-3 margin, reasserts Oklahoma's sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and, according to the resolution's own language, is "serving notice to the federal government to cease and desist certain mandates."
The Tenth Amendment states, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."
Traditionally, this language has meant that the federal government is limited in its scope and cannot usurp the sovereign powers of states. In recent decades, however, as the size and reach of the federal government has expanded, many have come to question whether Washington has stepped on states' rights and gotten too big for its breeches.
Charles Key, the Republican state representative who authored the resolution, told WND that he introduced it because he believes the federal government's overstepping of its bounds has put our constitutional form of government in danger.
Oklahoma State Rep. Charles Key
"The more we stand by and watch the federal government get involved in areas where it has no legal authority, we kill the Constitution a little at a time," he said. "The last few decades, the Constitution has been hanging by a thread."
Specifically, Resolution 1089 says the following:
"The State of Oklahoma hereby claims sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the Constitution of the United States."
The resolution resolves that Oklahoma will "serve as notice and demand to the federal government, as our agent, to cease and desist, effective immediately, mandates that are beyond the scope of these constitutionally delegated powers."
It also instructs that "a copy of this resolution be distributed to the president of the United States, the president of the United States Senate, the speaker of the United States House of Representatives, the speaker of the House and the president of the Senate of each state's legislature of the United States of America, and each member of the Oklahoma congressional delegation."
The resolution does not, as some have speculated, amount to secession, but it does send a warning signal to Washington: Oklahoma does not intend to be bullied by big brother government.
The Sooner State became a hotbed of federal vs. state authority clashes earlier this month when a federal judge blocked a portion of Oklahoma's tough immigration laws, ruling that plaintiffs would likely establish that the state mandates preempted federal immigration laws.
Oklahoma's immigration statute, known as the Oklahoma Taxpayer and Citizen Protection Act of 2007, originated as House Bill 1804 (co-authored, incidentally, by Key). It has been characterized by USA Today as "arguably the nation's toughest state law targeting illegal immigration."
The statute prohibits illegal immigrants from receiving tax-supported services and makes it a state crime to transport or harbor illegal immigrants. It also mandates that businesses take measures to verify the work eligibility of employees and independent contractors.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and individual chambers of commerce in Oklahoma challenged the latter mandates, set to go into effect July 1, in court.
On June 4th, U.S. District Judge Robin J. Cauthron issued an injunction against enforcing the July 1 mandates.
"We've just had a federal judge say that our immigration law's employer provisions are unconstitutional, claiming it as federal government territory," said Key in response. "That goes right to the issue of (Resolution 1089). The federal government doesn't have the right to have sole domain over that issue or many of the issues it has spilled over into."
Though House Joint Resolution 1089 received great support in Oklahoma's House of Representatives, it has now hit a roadblock. In the state's Senate, where the seats are split, 24-24, between Republicans and Democrats, the resolution was sent to the Senate's rules committee, where it languished without action until the legislature adjourned.
According to Key, the Senate has worked out agreements on how to manage the political tie, including power given to the Democratic senators to not hear certain bills. Those senators, says Key, refuse to even hear Resolution 1089.
In the House, where Republicans enjoy a 57-44 majority, Resolution 1089 received a hearing and was supported overwhelmingly on both sides of the aisle.
"I was on the Democratic side of the floor," said Key, "and one member went off talking about how far we've gotten, how bad (federal overreaches of power) are getting – it's the kind of thing you hear in coffee shops."
Key said his bill "is making a difference" in the way legislators in Oklahoma are talking and thinking about state's rights. "I think it will make even more of a difference," he said, "when I bring it up again." He vows to put the pressure on Oklahoma's Senate to pass a resolution like 1089, and he plans to begin communicating the cause with legislators around the country, urging them to bring up the issue in their states.
Key passed a similar resolution in 1994, when he was serving a previous tenure in the legislature. But that attempt was only a House resolution. He authored 1089 as a joint resolution because, he said, he wanted to increase its exposure. "As people who believe in this constitutional form of government," he said, "we need to bring this issue to a national level and debate." "
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
From Bob Allen as on His Web Blog

From Monday, June 16, 2008
'Free Country or Police State?
All across Iowa gangs of blue suited thugs backed by military troops from the National Guard have cordoned off previously flooded areas and are preventing the people from returning to their homes. “Thousands of Iowa residents remain flooded out of their homes and it's unclear when they can return. Cedar Rapids residents were allowed to return home temporarily Sunday, but authorities decided the neighborhoods were not safe, even for a quick visit,” CNN Story
In this photo a group of Iowa residents confronts a blue gun thug who is asserting his illegal authority to control and dominate the people.
“Cedar Rapids Fire Department spokesman Dave Brown said, saying it would be awhile before evacuees would be permitted to go back home. The checkpoints -- manned by police and the Iowa National Guard -- remained in place Monday, but Brown said authorities would not be letting residents check on their homes.“
The question is, who is in charge of our lives and our homes? Is America a free country where individuals have rights to life, liberty, and our homes? Or, are the blue suit gangs running a police state where they have authority to order the people around? In Iowa, the answer should be obvious. In a nation that once was a free country, armed gangs of thugs backed by military force are exercising their authority, pompous jerks in blue.
Note also that it is a criminal violation of the US Constitution for the National Guard to stop people from returning to their homes unless there is a declaration of "Marshal Law" which has not happened in Iowa.
The people of Iowa, like all the other men of America, must begin to recapture our nation from the police state gangs and Gestapo “authorities.”
One day long ago, in a mythical land called America, there once was a free country."
Police State Alert!!!!!
Ahmadinejad: Oil Crisis “Fake,” Result of Dollar Devaluation
Ahmadinejad: Oil Crisis “Fake,” Result of Dollar Devaluation
Hashem Kalentari
June 18, 2008
"ISFAHAN, Iran (Reuters) - The market is full of oil and the rising price trend is “fake and imposed,” Iran’s president said on Tuesday, partly blaming a weak U.S. dollar which he said was being pushed lower on purpose...."
Read more at INFOWARS.COM
Hashem Kalentari
June 18, 2008
"ISFAHAN, Iran (Reuters) - The market is full of oil and the rising price trend is “fake and imposed,” Iran’s president said on Tuesday, partly blaming a weak U.S. dollar which he said was being pushed lower on purpose...."
Read more at INFOWARS.COM
We still Choose evil
Never before has it been so clear in the presidential election that the choice that we are offered is just a choice between two slants of Globalism. If we choose the lesser of two evils, we still choose evil.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Canada apologizes to native peoples
"OTTAWA -- In a historic speech, Prime Minister Stephen Harper apologized Wednesday to Canada's native peoples for the longtime government policy of forcing their children to attend state-funded schools aimed at assimilating them."
Rob Gilles AP
Maybe the US could start to honor the Native peoples here too!
"OTTAWA -- In a historic speech, Prime Minister Stephen Harper apologized Wednesday to Canada's native peoples for the longtime government policy of forcing their children to attend state-funded schools aimed at assimilating them."
Rob Gilles AP
Maybe the US could start to honor the Native peoples here too!
Chinese Steel Poses Safety Threat
The Chinese are flooding America with their inferior steel. America loses on unregulated Chinese imports.
Limp Dick Lugar says we are protectionist to oppose this. Try Patriot Dick.
Lou Dobbs Reports:
Limp Dick Lugar says we are protectionist to oppose this. Try Patriot Dick.
Lou Dobbs Reports:
Election Day Blues
Barak and McCain will pair off for the presidency. One of them will no doubt be elected. I am sad I will not have a chance to vote for Ron Paul again. The elitist press would not let him be heard.
Ralph Nadar would be a protest vote. He has not a snowballs chance in Hell.
Between Barak and McCain:
Barak would end the war and renegotiate trade. Those are the two things I totally agree with. He is strong on education and I too, want our children trained, but I am fearful of government mandated outcome based programs. I fear his spending. Yet we know we would soon save 1/2 trillion a year on the war. His hope of negotiating with all nations may be a bit naive. Barak is not an answer. He is one of the choices the Globalist have given you.
McCain...Well four more years of Neo-con garbage. He is OK with 100 more years of war. He is probably a worse choice then Obama.
Neither candidate is Ron Paul. When you vote for the lesser of two evils you still vote for evil.
Does Barak's two strong points, tip the scale? Not for me.
I cannot vote McCain.
I feel them election days blues again....
Yet we know November approaches.
We must remember the 4th of November.
A day of decision and power.
A change is coming. Barak is not the change we need, but what we will get. Let's hope he will reverse much of the Bush presidency. But even then he will advance other globalist policies.
We need a real third party in the worst way. There are many political parties, but none have the power on the national scene. The press does not support them. The elitist press is a greater treat to freedom in America then any foreign interest. A return to a true free press on TV would be a great victory for freedom.
-Limp Dick Lugar, my Indiana Senator is down and dirty with all the Bush doctrine of war and globalim too. By the way Dick renegotiating trade deals is not protectionism it is wisdom. Sorry you are a globalist sell out! (I call him limp cause he is a G. Bush's eunich, incapable of producing any life for this nation)
-Dennis Kucinich is trying to impeach Bush. It won't happen but it is worth it as a statement of truth.
Oh, for a constitutional government again! Oh for a true choice! It will only come with revolt!
Ralph Nadar would be a protest vote. He has not a snowballs chance in Hell.
Between Barak and McCain:
Barak would end the war and renegotiate trade. Those are the two things I totally agree with. He is strong on education and I too, want our children trained, but I am fearful of government mandated outcome based programs. I fear his spending. Yet we know we would soon save 1/2 trillion a year on the war. His hope of negotiating with all nations may be a bit naive. Barak is not an answer. He is one of the choices the Globalist have given you.
McCain...Well four more years of Neo-con garbage. He is OK with 100 more years of war. He is probably a worse choice then Obama.
Neither candidate is Ron Paul. When you vote for the lesser of two evils you still vote for evil.
Does Barak's two strong points, tip the scale? Not for me.
I cannot vote McCain.
I feel them election days blues again....
Yet we know November approaches.
We must remember the 4th of November.
A day of decision and power.
A change is coming. Barak is not the change we need, but what we will get. Let's hope he will reverse much of the Bush presidency. But even then he will advance other globalist policies.
We need a real third party in the worst way. There are many political parties, but none have the power on the national scene. The press does not support them. The elitist press is a greater treat to freedom in America then any foreign interest. A return to a true free press on TV would be a great victory for freedom.
-Limp Dick Lugar, my Indiana Senator is down and dirty with all the Bush doctrine of war and globalim too. By the way Dick renegotiating trade deals is not protectionism it is wisdom. Sorry you are a globalist sell out! (I call him limp cause he is a G. Bush's eunich, incapable of producing any life for this nation)
-Dennis Kucinich is trying to impeach Bush. It won't happen but it is worth it as a statement of truth.
Oh, for a constitutional government again! Oh for a true choice! It will only come with revolt!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Prisoners Escape Marines Killed
KANDAHAR, Afghanistan - About 870 prisoners escaped during a Taliban bomb and rocket attack on the main prison in southern Afghanistan that knocked down the front gate and demolished a prison floor, Afghan officials said Saturday. And in western Afghanistan on Saturday, a roadside bomb exploded near a U.S. military vehicle, killing four Americans in the deadliest attack against U.S. troops in the country this year, officials said.
Ron Reagan calls for the exucution of Patriot Mark Dice.
The wayward son of President Ronald Reagan called for the murder of Mark Dice on national radio.
This amounts to a contract for murder.
Hear the clip on
The wayward son of President Ronald Reagan called for the murder of Mark Dice on national radio.
This amounts to a contract for murder.
Hear the clip on
National Debt
Under Bush the national debt increases $1.58 Billion a day. He is the worst president in the history of the nation.
Ralph Nadar
Ralph Nadar calls for impeachment of Bush. He has consistently fought against corporate control.
Ralph is running for president. As president he would outlaw GMF. We need someone to vote for since Ron Paul dropped out.
Ron, I would have followed you to my death on that presidential run.
Ralph is running for president. As president he would outlaw GMF. We need someone to vote for since Ron Paul dropped out.
Ron, I would have followed you to my death on that presidential run.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Kucinich at Infowars
Dennis Kucinich talks with Alex about his articles of impeachment against George W Bush. He has many co-sponsors.
Good work Dennis. Even though the hour is late the statement needs made.
HR 1258. Contains 35 points of impeachment.
The Democrats voted against it. No balls!
It is time for God to come to this nation to save it! Our leaders are sold out to evil. This president deserves impeachment.
Good work Dennis. Even though the hour is late the statement needs made.
HR 1258. Contains 35 points of impeachment.
The Democrats voted against it. No balls!
It is time for God to come to this nation to save it! Our leaders are sold out to evil. This president deserves impeachment.
BP boss: World not running out of oil
London Guardian | June 11, 2008
"The world is not running out of oil and can continue to produce hydrocarbons for the next 40 years provided restrictions are lifted on where companies can operate, the head of BP said today..."
"Political factors, barriers to entry, and high taxes all play a role here. In other words when it comes to producing more oil, the problems are above ground, not below it. They are not geological, but political,"
BP may be the only oil company who would announce this. The others lie and say we are in great shortage.
The lies of the oil companies who defend thier price gouging are being exposed. Every one knows there is no justification for 4-5 dollar gas. Gas should never be above 2.00 dollars. The oil companies are stealing the bread out of the children's mouth of the world.
Let God himself slay the lying executives of these oil companies.
Goerge Bush recent comments about oil are the words of a man who has wasted 7 years, giving the oil companies anything they want. He is the worst president in the history of the country. His father and Bill Clinton are just as evil, but "W" is the most inept.
Go to INFOWARS for the whole story!
"The world is not running out of oil and can continue to produce hydrocarbons for the next 40 years provided restrictions are lifted on where companies can operate, the head of BP said today..."
"Political factors, barriers to entry, and high taxes all play a role here. In other words when it comes to producing more oil, the problems are above ground, not below it. They are not geological, but political,"
BP may be the only oil company who would announce this. The others lie and say we are in great shortage.
The lies of the oil companies who defend thier price gouging are being exposed. Every one knows there is no justification for 4-5 dollar gas. Gas should never be above 2.00 dollars. The oil companies are stealing the bread out of the children's mouth of the world.
Let God himself slay the lying executives of these oil companies.
Goerge Bush recent comments about oil are the words of a man who has wasted 7 years, giving the oil companies anything they want. He is the worst president in the history of the country. His father and Bill Clinton are just as evil, but "W" is the most inept.
Go to INFOWARS for the whole story!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
From the Food Poison Blog
"FDA Says Clones Can Go On The Menu
Posted on January 15, 2008 by Food Poisoning Lawyer
This just in from the United States Food and Drug Administration:
After years of detailed study and analysis, the Food and Drug Administration has concluded that meat and milk from clones of cattle, swine, and goats, and the offspring of clones from any species traditionally consumed as food, are as safe to eat as food from conventionally bred animals. There was insufficient information for the agency to reach a conclusion on the safety of food from clones of other animal species, such as sheep.
But does it make you hungry?!!"
Perhaps the worst group to clone would be the people at the FDA.
God stop this evil!
Posted on January 15, 2008 by Food Poisoning Lawyer
This just in from the United States Food and Drug Administration:
After years of detailed study and analysis, the Food and Drug Administration has concluded that meat and milk from clones of cattle, swine, and goats, and the offspring of clones from any species traditionally consumed as food, are as safe to eat as food from conventionally bred animals. There was insufficient information for the agency to reach a conclusion on the safety of food from clones of other animal species, such as sheep.
But does it make you hungry?!!"
Perhaps the worst group to clone would be the people at the FDA.
God stop this evil!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Fox News Lies to Nation and does Hit Piece on Mark DIce
Globalist Elitus front FOX news does a hit piece on Marck Dice. Find out about Mark and see the piece on this web page:
Republican Betrayal
Republicans block work to limit Oil Company Profits.
The Republicans are totally out of touch. What failures you guys are!!
While the oil companies get more and more, we fear regulation on them because they will just raise gas prices to get back at us. This is truly an adversarial relationship we have with suppliers. They are oppressors. They hunt us down for the kill.
The greatest failure, in Washington, is the fact that our government is bought and paid for by special interest. Big Oil being one of them. Defense contractors being another. Big Banking being another. The citizen is second class, to these anti-freedom foes.
I received a letter of reply to one of mine from Dick Lugar. What a sell out to globalism this man is. Globalist Lugar calls patriots who want to protect American workers "protectionist". The label is not really true. We do want to protect the Constitution, which calls for our sovereignty.
What a failure this government is.
The Congress of the US, has today's nomination for the worst people in the world.
The elites have given us McCain and Obama to vote for. This is like offering a man
trapped in a burning house, the choice between a glass of gasoline or a glass of piss.
There has never been a more decieved people then the Elite news fed group that sits around and thinks there is hope for change in Washingtion. The change that must come is overthrow.
The Republicans and Democrats are the worst ever.
The Republicans are totally out of touch. What failures you guys are!!
While the oil companies get more and more, we fear regulation on them because they will just raise gas prices to get back at us. This is truly an adversarial relationship we have with suppliers. They are oppressors. They hunt us down for the kill.
The greatest failure, in Washington, is the fact that our government is bought and paid for by special interest. Big Oil being one of them. Defense contractors being another. Big Banking being another. The citizen is second class, to these anti-freedom foes.
I received a letter of reply to one of mine from Dick Lugar. What a sell out to globalism this man is. Globalist Lugar calls patriots who want to protect American workers "protectionist". The label is not really true. We do want to protect the Constitution, which calls for our sovereignty.
What a failure this government is.
The Congress of the US, has today's nomination for the worst people in the world.
The elites have given us McCain and Obama to vote for. This is like offering a man
trapped in a burning house, the choice between a glass of gasoline or a glass of piss.
There has never been a more decieved people then the Elite news fed group that sits around and thinks there is hope for change in Washingtion. The change that must come is overthrow.
The Republicans and Democrats are the worst ever.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Friday, June 6, 2008
God is Watching You New World Order

This NASA photo is awesome!
You may find your great eye is no match for the one who created the universe. You may find all your efforts to live long, will only end in frustration. I have a God who has given to me eternal life. You may treat us like dogs, but he treats those who believe on him wholly, like a son.
You are Idiots! He is omniscient.
Home Foreclosures Hit Record High
While foreclosures on homes hit a record high, the elite media keep telling us how great the economy is.
I ran into this lie in Richard Lugars answer to my letter a few days ago. They keep saying that unemployment is low and the economy is great. Evidently Jay Leno believes the same lie, judging from the letter that comes in my E-mail.
The facts about real unemployment are almost no where to be seen even on the internet. America has mostly minimum wage jobs available. This is the worst shape the country has ever been in. You can't pay for a house on minimum wage.
The illegal war in Iraq, is one of the greatest tragedies of our times.
This presidency can't end soon enough. Now how do we get a new national media?
I ran into this lie in Richard Lugars answer to my letter a few days ago. They keep saying that unemployment is low and the economy is great. Evidently Jay Leno believes the same lie, judging from the letter that comes in my E-mail.
The facts about real unemployment are almost no where to be seen even on the internet. America has mostly minimum wage jobs available. This is the worst shape the country has ever been in. You can't pay for a house on minimum wage.
The illegal war in Iraq, is one of the greatest tragedies of our times.
This presidency can't end soon enough. Now how do we get a new national media?
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Jim and Alex Stand in Front of the Globalist Meeting in Virginia
Pat Wood on Paying to Educate the Communist
Educating the Enemy
By Patrick Wood, Editor
June 3, 2008
"Do we have a responsibility to shell out some $8 billion per year in taxpayer money to educate over 60,000 communist Chinese students in American universities? That is, the very students who return to China to take jobs, factories and even entire industries away from American workers?
Apparently so, according to the U.S. State Department division that panders to wannabe Chinese students.
In a 2005 speech given by Donald Bishop, attached to the U.S. Embassy in Beijing, China, Bishop eagerly told prospective students how to game the American educational system for an essentially free education at taxpayer expense. He told them how to secure student visas, which programs to apply for, and how to get additional money to maintain themselves while in the United States.
Each year, over 20,000 new communist Chinese students join the other 40,000 students already present at American universities. Eighty-two percent (almost 50,000) of these are graduate students in mathematics, sciences and engineering. Those students who get Teaching or Research Assistant jobs find that tuitions are further reduced, in some cases to zero. Such opportunities are not available to undergrads."
For the rest of the Article go to the August Review web page.
I'm sure Dick Luger would want to spend more to educate this foreign evil.
By Patrick Wood, Editor
June 3, 2008
"Do we have a responsibility to shell out some $8 billion per year in taxpayer money to educate over 60,000 communist Chinese students in American universities? That is, the very students who return to China to take jobs, factories and even entire industries away from American workers?
Apparently so, according to the U.S. State Department division that panders to wannabe Chinese students.
In a 2005 speech given by Donald Bishop, attached to the U.S. Embassy in Beijing, China, Bishop eagerly told prospective students how to game the American educational system for an essentially free education at taxpayer expense. He told them how to secure student visas, which programs to apply for, and how to get additional money to maintain themselves while in the United States.
Each year, over 20,000 new communist Chinese students join the other 40,000 students already present at American universities. Eighty-two percent (almost 50,000) of these are graduate students in mathematics, sciences and engineering. Those students who get Teaching or Research Assistant jobs find that tuitions are further reduced, in some cases to zero. Such opportunities are not available to undergrads."
For the rest of the Article go to the August Review web page.
I'm sure Dick Luger would want to spend more to educate this foreign evil.
Bilderberg Daniel Estulan expose'
Watch many of these videos on UTUBE while you still have the chance to.
My response to Senator Dick Lugar's support of Globalism
June 5, 2008
Dear Richard Lugar:
Free trade and the War:
Your letter in response to mine (May 22) shows me where you stand. Sadly you are sold on globalism. When will you surrender the sovereignty of this nation?
The Free-trade lie is talked up as Gospel among your colleagues often. The lie you perpetuate is the one that says we are better off for free trade. Try selling that to us the unemployed. Try telling us the 20 or more closed factories in Grant Co. Indiana, over the last twenty years are not directly connected to free trade.
We have lost our value added, manufacturing economy and traded it for service jobs, and for the privilege of shuffling Chinese products, if you are young enough to get one of those jobs.
Age discrimination is rampant in the work force.
The War:
The war in Iraq was started on lie. It is continued on lie. How much is enough? You’ve spent over 500 Billion there. Over 200 Billion in Afghanistan. You have unemployed wondering when you are going to do something for them.
There are many issues we are concerned about. On most of the issues you fall out in the opposite side of truth. Truth is, our involvement with free trade has left our ports unprotected. Truth is the president is aligned with globalist interests that are taking our nation over. Truth is the war is about oil.
I remember when I was proud of this nation. The only good presidents we have had in my life are Ike, Kennedy, and Reagan. All the others were sell-outs like you must now be-judging by your answers to my letter. The nation is full of men willing to sell out our sovereignty to the foreign nations. As you defend your position you defend rape of our Nation.
I am a Constitutionalist. The elected government of this nation is showing us they are anti-Constitution. I am against being the nanny of the world. It is not our place. The free trade policies you support are lies. They are destroying Indiana manufacturing. In fact it is all but gone.
You sir do not represent my ideas in your work. I weep for what America has become under the last 50 years of failed government. It is obvious that you believe the foolish stands you have taken. Indiana is falling into the abyss of globalist control. The Dubai toll road deal, is just the harbinger of the future sell- out deals this state will enter into.
How will we plan for a strong future in Indiana when good paying jobs are not here? When will this government tell the truth about unemployment? How do you get off counting only those on unemployment checks as being the unemployed? Every thing the government does is filled with misdirection and lie.
Have you sold us out? If not you are deceived. Free-trade is treason. Lying to the nation is the cost you are paying for believing lie. Liars go to the abyss.
I will no longer bother you, I know you are hopelessly devoted to the Washington lie.
I will save my wisdom for someone who is open to change. Sorry you are closed. Enjoy your guaranteed salary, while many go without. Do you want Americans on food stamps? It is a good way to control us. How about our houses in foreclosure? That is the sign of the George Bush' great economy for sure! Fact is you can’t pay a mortgage or rent without a job. A good paying job. Like the ones we lost and traded for minimum wage entry level jobs after years of service in what are now industries sold to China.
In fact haven’t we the citizen become the problem? The problem you globalist have to solve. What will you do with so many people who think for themselves and do not believe the official Washington lies? What will you do with people who seek truth? Will you send squads in to arrest us like in Texas at the LDS Ranch? Or will the burn us out like they did at Waco? What plans do you have for us Mr. Lugar?
For the record, almost everything you answered in your letter I oppose.
How is David Rockefeller doing? I noticed he contributed 1000 bucks to you in 2000.
Garry Vermilion
Marion, IN 46952 (Indiana formerly located in the USA, now located in the World)
Folks, all we can do, is continue to stand against the selling out of our country by the Washington Elite. This letter is just to show you that Dick Lugar is a globalist. He is not a friend of Indiana. He propagates the Free-Trade lie, the War in Iraq, and almost everything the treason propagating Bush Government stands for.
Also if you know of actual impeachable offenses by Dick Lugar please contact me at the E mail given in my profile. Also this may put Lugar ahead of Mitch Daniels in
selling out the State of Indiana. (although the Dubai toll road give away was a substantial effort in treason by Daniels)
Dear Richard Lugar:
Free trade and the War:
Your letter in response to mine (May 22) shows me where you stand. Sadly you are sold on globalism. When will you surrender the sovereignty of this nation?
The Free-trade lie is talked up as Gospel among your colleagues often. The lie you perpetuate is the one that says we are better off for free trade. Try selling that to us the unemployed. Try telling us the 20 or more closed factories in Grant Co. Indiana, over the last twenty years are not directly connected to free trade.
We have lost our value added, manufacturing economy and traded it for service jobs, and for the privilege of shuffling Chinese products, if you are young enough to get one of those jobs.
Age discrimination is rampant in the work force.
The War:
The war in Iraq was started on lie. It is continued on lie. How much is enough? You’ve spent over 500 Billion there. Over 200 Billion in Afghanistan. You have unemployed wondering when you are going to do something for them.
There are many issues we are concerned about. On most of the issues you fall out in the opposite side of truth. Truth is, our involvement with free trade has left our ports unprotected. Truth is the president is aligned with globalist interests that are taking our nation over. Truth is the war is about oil.
I remember when I was proud of this nation. The only good presidents we have had in my life are Ike, Kennedy, and Reagan. All the others were sell-outs like you must now be-judging by your answers to my letter. The nation is full of men willing to sell out our sovereignty to the foreign nations. As you defend your position you defend rape of our Nation.
I am a Constitutionalist. The elected government of this nation is showing us they are anti-Constitution. I am against being the nanny of the world. It is not our place. The free trade policies you support are lies. They are destroying Indiana manufacturing. In fact it is all but gone.
You sir do not represent my ideas in your work. I weep for what America has become under the last 50 years of failed government. It is obvious that you believe the foolish stands you have taken. Indiana is falling into the abyss of globalist control. The Dubai toll road deal, is just the harbinger of the future sell- out deals this state will enter into.
How will we plan for a strong future in Indiana when good paying jobs are not here? When will this government tell the truth about unemployment? How do you get off counting only those on unemployment checks as being the unemployed? Every thing the government does is filled with misdirection and lie.
Have you sold us out? If not you are deceived. Free-trade is treason. Lying to the nation is the cost you are paying for believing lie. Liars go to the abyss.
I will no longer bother you, I know you are hopelessly devoted to the Washington lie.
I will save my wisdom for someone who is open to change. Sorry you are closed. Enjoy your guaranteed salary, while many go without. Do you want Americans on food stamps? It is a good way to control us. How about our houses in foreclosure? That is the sign of the George Bush' great economy for sure! Fact is you can’t pay a mortgage or rent without a job. A good paying job. Like the ones we lost and traded for minimum wage entry level jobs after years of service in what are now industries sold to China.
In fact haven’t we the citizen become the problem? The problem you globalist have to solve. What will you do with so many people who think for themselves and do not believe the official Washington lies? What will you do with people who seek truth? Will you send squads in to arrest us like in Texas at the LDS Ranch? Or will the burn us out like they did at Waco? What plans do you have for us Mr. Lugar?
For the record, almost everything you answered in your letter I oppose.
How is David Rockefeller doing? I noticed he contributed 1000 bucks to you in 2000.
Garry Vermilion
Marion, IN 46952 (Indiana formerly located in the USA, now located in the World)
Folks, all we can do, is continue to stand against the selling out of our country by the Washington Elite. This letter is just to show you that Dick Lugar is a globalist. He is not a friend of Indiana. He propagates the Free-Trade lie, the War in Iraq, and almost everything the treason propagating Bush Government stands for.
Also if you know of actual impeachable offenses by Dick Lugar please contact me at the E mail given in my profile. Also this may put Lugar ahead of Mitch Daniels in
selling out the State of Indiana. (although the Dubai toll road give away was a substantial effort in treason by Daniels)
Wednesday, June 4, 2008

(Picture from 2006 meeting)
World Shadow Government to Meet in Virgina. (Chantilly, VA, outside of the Washington DC outer Belt)
Alex Jones and Jim Tucker, are on the scene.
Are the Elites planning to attack Iran? Jim Tucker says that the green light for the government attack on the World Trade Centers was given in the Hotel they are meeting in today.
The meeting: June 5 – 8 in Chantilly, Virginia, near Washington, in a luxury hotel immersed in nature, the Westfield’s Marriott.
Bush wants to attack Iran. Will the world elite esculate invasion of the middle east? We already know they want the US and Europe on the same level. They are behind the oil speculating and are trying to raise the US Gallon of gasoline up to seven dollars. They are the ones that are decreasing your standard of living. Stay tuned or check out
Evil globalists, David Rockefeller is pictured at top.
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