Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Climate Cops

Are your kids participating?

There is a great deal of legislation, and implementation of overrule, but our government around the whole global warming scam.
Climate Cops are one of the ways they are implementing forced carbon taxes and over rule of your life.

Kids they want you to record climate crimes in your home, and to report your parents!

John Kennedy on Secret Society

Monday, December 28, 2009

Obama Destroys Nation

The government health care bill is evil. Everything Obama has done has worked to destroy the sovereignty and the freedom of America. This Government is fascist.

The Government is bringing more oppression against the citizen then ever before known.

Mr. Pharaoh Obama, Set Jah's people free to worship Him.

Friday, December 18, 2009

A Call to Prayer

Chase Bank and other big globalist banks along with the Federal Reserve have singled themselves out as the greatest mammon Institutions on the planet. When the people rise up and take back this government from the Rockefeller/Rothschild anti-Christ elitist, these banks will be broken like twigs.

Like our Fascist government these banks are operating in a mad rush to destroy people's finances and to take them for their anti-Christ Globalist purposes.

This is a call to the intercessors, to pray that Jah would come and destroy the plans and institutions of globalism.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Mr. Rockefeller

The Globalist Bankers the Rockefeller/Rothschild cabal is moving more and more toward totalitarianism in their banking polices. While getting great tax payer bailouts, they oppress those who do banking business with them. This group is as evil as anyone in the world, and they will face a fierce Jah soon.

You have no more time to repent Mr. Rockefeller. Your fate is sealed. Let God help the poor and down trodden citizen of the US.

Impeach Obama!
Take back the country!
Return to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Obama Scam

Congress wastes time on this health bill, while the job situation is not even thought of.

This government is evil. Obama is bad for this country. The health care bill is a scam to keep Americans focus off jobs. Free-traders keep the lie going, that America is better off with NAFTA, GATT and the WTO. They are arms of destruction of Mammon and his Rockefeller puppets.

We call the Lord to take down this evil government so that the righteous can come to power.

Monday, December 14, 2009

This Nation is Evil


It is evil to force people to buy health care insurance.
It is evil to force people to buy insurance on homes, and autos.

This nation is evil.

It is time to take to the streets.... Only fall on your knees before you do.

Without God, we can do nothing good.

Rise against this Criminal Government

Once Obama signs this peace accord, we will be totally sold out to globalism. He was given the Nobel Peace Prize to create the illusion of greatness. This man is not great, he is anti-Christ. Pray now America. And rise and speak against our present criminal government.

The Copenhagen summit is there to advance globalism. Your GPS, is being used to track you. There is a wide spread implementation of license plate reading cameras in the US.

China says they will sign on to the new planet government, if the world will adopt the "One Child Policy".

Our anti-Christ government is adopting mandatory health care, which will mean they control almost everything.

It is time to take to the streets and fight this criminal government!

The head of the EU has said: "The climate conference is another step toward the global management of our planet."

Al Gore has said: "But it is the awareness itself that will drive the change, and one of the ways it will drive the change is through global governance."

Al Gore was the pitch man to sell Congress on NAFTA and GATT which has gutted manufacturing in this nation. Al Gore is a con artist. He said he invented the Internet. This is lie. He is pushing a carbon tax on breathing. In 1998 he met with Bill Clinton, Ken Lay, and Lord Brown in the White House. Lord Brown is the head of the largest oil Company in the world.

Bohner on Congressional Scams:

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Listed Peophiles of the Global Elite

For Your Investigation:

Click on Title.



Before a Holy God

George Soros, when you die, your wealth will be turned over to the Illuminati. What wealth of soul will you bring before a Holy God in your day of judgment?

Rev 7:9 After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;
Rev 20:11 And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Ron Brown Revisted

I have long felt the Ron Brown plane crash was an assassination. I recently came upon this article giving more information then I had previously known.

"On one thing all the news stories did agree. The claim was put forward repeatedly that the plane crashed in, "The worst storm in a decade". This was the exact wording used by TIME, Newsweek, and the White House in describing the accident.

However, the Dubrovnik airport weather office told a different story. The official weather report issued at the time of the crash reported light scattered rain, broken clouds at 400 feet, a thin overcast at 2000 feet, and a steady head wind right down the runway just the way pilots like it. The reported visibility was 5 miles. The flight crew acknowledged receiving this weather report (more about that later). The distance from the airport to where the aircraft crashed was less than two miles. "
Quote from: whatreallyhappened.com

Click on title for the article.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Kucinich Resolution to End the War


Dennis Kucinich
December 10, 2009
As Posted on Infowars.com

"Congressman Dennis Kucinich is circulating two “privileged resolutions” to trigger votes to end the wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Congressman Kucinich, in a written release, earlier today stated:

“Today, I will begin circulating two privileged resolutions which will trigger debate and votes on a timely withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan and Pakistan.”

“Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution of the United States makes it Congress’ responsibility to determine whether or not we go to war or stay at war. Consistent with Article I, Section 8, the privileged resolutions will involve the War Powers Resolution of 1973. I ask for your support of these resolutions, which will be introduced in the House in January.”

“Yesterday, with the U.S. Secretary of Defense at his side, the President of Afghanistan declared that his country’s security forces will need financial and training assistance from the United States for the next 15-20 years.”

“We cannot afford these wars. We cannot afford the loss of lives. We cannot afford the cost to taxpayers. We cannot afford to fail to exercise our constitutional right to end the wars.”

“Please sign onto the privileged resolutions to end the wars and to bring our troops home.”

“Stand up for our troops. Stand up for the truth. Stand up for the Constitution and Congress’ responsibility.” "

Also: http://kucinich.us/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=241

Rueters Reports

U.S. already $292 bln in the red this year - CBO

Click on title for story.

Take the Red Pill

Power in the information age, is vested in the control of information. We are aware that the corporate news, be it TV, Radio, or Internet, is a formable force that keeps many bound to the official lie of this government, and its New World Order masters.

You are bound NEO. Take the Red Pill.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


When Lindsey Williams told us a year and a half ago, that the oil companies would lower gas prices, we did not understand at first why. The "why" was to bankrupt Dubai.

The globalist are evil men. From the Rockefeller's who use Chase Bank to oppress peoples all over the world, to the other globalist bankers such as the Rothschild's, evil advances against the good.
Globalism is destroying America.

We know the evil elite are in control of much in this world. God hates this evil. It is for freedom that he sets men free. He will come with fire to destroy these men.

The global elite are a cancer on the freedom of man. These men believe that you have no right to live free. They work to enslave all of civilization.

Puppet Barak, and the compromised Congress bow and worship these men. Let God deal ever so harshly with these men. If they do not repent of their evil, then evil men will by their own choice spend eternity in hell, and may they die in their sin this day. God save the Nation! Lord, utterly destroy the Global elite, so that the poor might be freed.