Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Cervical Cancer Shot Kills 14-year Old Girl

September 29, 2009

"An urgent investigation was under way on Tuesday after a 14-year-old school girl collapsed and died after being vaccinated against cervical cancer.

The girl, who was named as Natalie Morton, died on Monday shortly after being injected with the Cervarix vaccine at the Blue Coat CofE school in Coventry.

The vaccine, which is made by pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline, is being administered to schoolgirls as part of a national vaccination programme to protect against the disease.

Health authorities immediately isolated the suspect batch of vaccine which protects against Human Papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually-transmitted virus which is the primary cause of cervical cancer.

“The incident happened shortly after the girl had received her HPV vaccine in the school,” said Dr. Caron Grainger, joint head of public health for the National Health Service (NHS) in Coventry and Coventry City Council."

Remember the Fifth-Words have power!

UN Globalist Use Swine Flu Fear to advance Globalist Agenda

Big Pharma, Big Bucks

New York and Mandatory Flu Shots

Canada To Suspend Flu Shots?

The safety of the swine flu vaccination has come into question.

Click on title for more.

Gardasil Warning

Merck is on the march to force this on everyone!

From HSI Web Page:

"New wrinkle in the Gardasil controversy – it’s infuriating!

Over the Line

Simone Davis is young British woman of 17 who wants to teach elementary school in Florida. But that dream is on hold because Simone refuses to receive the HPV vaccine Gardasil, made by Merck. In fact, Simone may actually be forced to leave the U.S., even though her adopted mother is married to a U.S. citizen.

This situation is beyond sad – it’s simply disgraceful. But if you’re one of the executives for Merck, it’s simply delightful that our government is so willing to help sell a highly suspect drug."

Saturday, September 26, 2009

From Martin Wiess

From Martin's Email report:

It’s starting to look like the Fed’s going to need a skyscraper-full of new printing presses ...

In a statement released yesterday, the Federal Reserve said,

“To provide support to mortgage lending and housing markets, and to improve overall conditions in private credit markets, the Federal Reserve will purchase a total of $1.25 trillion of agency mortgage-backed securities and up to $200 billion of agency debt.”

That’s a total of $1.45 trillion! Where’s the Fed going to get the money? Simple: They’ll have to PRINT it — create it out of thin air!

Plus, even former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan is beginning to panic about the dollar’s decline, warning that total U.S. private and public debt — now at 84% of GDP and still soaring — is “very dangerous” and threatens both long-term Treasuries and the dollar.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Get Over It

True Conservatives need to get over their illusions about the Republican party. There is nothing conservative about that group. From Bush 2's complete support of everything Homosexual, to the global sell out of America by both the Bush presidents, we must understand that the Reagan Republicans must flee this anti-Christ party.

In the last election the Manchurian Candidate McCain was run to lose to Obama. A better candidate might have won that election. I as a true conservative could not vote for McCain. Obviously, many could not.

Both the Republican and Democrat Parties, are in the tank with the globalist. The fights in Congress between the two, are for the most part just "dramtic plays" for us to watch to keep us from focusing on the truth.

It is time to get over any hope in the Republican Party.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Return to the Lord

“ I know a lot of fancy dancers
People who can glide you on a floor
They move so smooth but have no answers
When you ask, "why'd you come here for?"
I know, many fine feathered friends
But their friendliness depends on how you do”

Cat Stevens from: Hard Headed Woman

Don’t we know the fancy dancers, yes! We see them rampant in the local political arena.

We oft see the dance in our families, and Churches. Many in this day are covenant-less peoples whose god is their own belly. These are they, who only allow the extremely successful to be in their lives. They condemn any that do not do as well financially or socially as they do.

America the great whimpers in its self-indulgence. The Globalist Bankers have all but completely gutted the American economy. The bailouts were lies. The reports of an ending recession are hype.

We need hope, not hype. Let Jesus be the hope of the US again. Return to Him Great Nation. Reset the ancient boundary stones. Return to your Constitution! Come back to peace with the Lord and find prosperity, and freedom and justice for all once more!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


By Chuck Baldwin
September 15, 2009

"When George W. Bush was President, he greatly advanced the prospect of integrating the United States with a North American Union (NAU). With no thanks to most Christian conservatives or the mainstream news media, hundreds of thousands of patriotic Americans rallied against this proposal and--at least temporarily--seriously stymied Bush's draconian dream. But if you thought President Barack Obama would be content to let the NAU die a natural death, think again." .....

"When will the American people wake up and realize that for the last twenty years, both major political parties (at the national level) have been co-opted by globalists and internationalists who have no respect or appreciation for U.S. sovereignty, and who desire to create world government?"

Read the entire article on Chuck's web page. Click on title

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Religious Spirit:

The Religious spirit is active in this land. One of the great deceptions that the religious spirit uses is that
it makes people feel good about themselves, when they do good things for the reward and/or honor of men. Religion is basically what man does that makes himself feel justified before God. It is Jesus-less stuff.

Religion is founded on zeal.

Rom. 10:2 For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.

Religion is not Christianity. Christianity is not religion. Zeal for God is a good thing. But, zeal is not faith.

Rev 3:19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.

God requires obedience. It is much better than all our sacrifice. The Religious spirit will give us support in doing what we want to do for God, that is to say, what we choose to sacrifice.

1Sa 15:22 And Samuel said, Hath the LORD [as great] delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey [is] better than sacrifice, [and] to hearken than the fat of rams.

We can build a great university and call it Christian or Godly, but if it is for the glory of itself, it is religion. Many a movement started in humility ends in man glory.

My call in the Spirit as a prophet of God: Lord, I call upon you to tear down everything in this nation that calls itself by your name but does glorify you by submitting to your greater purpose for this hour.
I call for a breaking of the spirit of Babylon in this nation.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

9/11 Commission Counsel: Government Agreed to Lie About 9/11

From Infowars:

"Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

9/11 Commission Counsel: Government Agreed to Lie About 9/11 140409top

The senior counsel to the 9/11 Commission – John Farmer – says that the government agreed not to tell the truth about 9/11, echoing the assertions of fellow 9/11 Commission members who concluded that the Pentagon were engaged in deliberate deception about their response to the attack.

Farmer served as Senior Counsel to the 9/11 Commission (officially known as the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States), and is also a former New Jersey Attorney General...."

Click on title for more:

We need a new investigation!

911 Investigation

Wisdom would be that we would demand a new investigation into the twin tower take down of 911. It was a false flag op. Tomorrow is the anniversary.

I say, "the time is now to investigate".

Just as the JFK cover up was allowed to stand, until individuals investigated it and found that the assassination was a LBJ/military Industrial Complex conspiracy, this cover up needs outed as a Neocon plan to go to war.

California leads Nanny State advance

Bill requiring ignition devices for drunken drivers goes to governor
From: Gary Richards

Jumping behind the wheel and getting on the road after knocking back a few drinks may no longer be that easy in California.

Why? Because the car won't start.

Click on title to check out article.